About the Journal

1. Focus, scope and mission

The journal Research, Society and Development (abbreviated as Res. Soc. Dev.) is a multidisciplinary scientific publication focused on promoting informal education using scientific methodologies for social, scientific and technological development through the publication and dissemination of knowledge about discoveries made in different areas of knowledge.

It is an online, monthly journal that publishes various types of manuscripts in different areas of knowledge.

Submissions are evaluated by means of peer review (Double Blind Review) with experience in the area of ​​the manuscript.

2. Section policies

The Research, Society and Development is divided into the following areas of knowledge:

Teaching and Education Sciences 
Agrarian and Biological Sciences 
Health Sciences 
Exact and Earth Sciences 
Human and Social Sciences 
Review Article 
Educational Objects 
Book Review 
Note Preview 

3.  Indexing

BASE - Bielefeld Academic Search Engine


Diadorim - Diretório de Políticas de Acesso Aberto das Revistas Científicas Brasileiras

DOI - Digital Object Identifier - CrossRef

Google Scholar (Google Acadêmico)

Latindex  - Sistema Regional de Información en Línea para Revistas Científicas de América Latina, el Caribe, España y Portugal

LIVRE - Revistas de Livre Acesso

REDIB - Red Iberoamerica de Innovación y Conocimiento Científico

Sumários.org - Sumários de Revistas Brasileiras

4. Publication Frequency

The Research, Development And Society is a monthly journal.

5. Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its contents following the principles that free availability of scientific knowledge favors universal democratization of knowledge.

6. Author fees/Publication cost (APC)

For Brazilian authors, the publication fee is R $ 300,00 BRL (three hundred reais).

For other authors, the publication fee is US$ 100,00 (one hundred American dollars).

The publication fee is charged only for accepted papers. There is no submission fee.

7. Archiving/Backup

This journal uses the LOCKSS system to create a distributed file system between participating libraries and allows them to create permanent journal files for preservation and restoration.

8. Special Issues, Supplements and Thematic Dossiers

Sporadically the journal can make calls to Special Issues, Supplements or Dossiers thematic. In such cases, full papers will be evaluated according to the referees' review process through double blind review.

9. Journal Editor

This is a publication by CDRR Editors. Avenida Sulim Abramovitc, 100 - Centro, Vargem Grande Paulista - SP, 06730-000
Email: rsd.articles@gmail.com

10. Advertising

Research, Society and Development does not publish advertisements.

11. Journal History

The journal Research, Society and Development is an electronic, multidisciplinary publication that arose from the need for more critical and collaborative science. Initially, in 2016, a publication was created in the Research Group “Methodologies in Teaching and Learning in Sciences” at the Federal University of Itajubá – UNIFEI, Campus Itabira. Due to the increase in the number of articles, in 2020, the Journal's management began to occur in a more professional manner through CDRR Editors, separating itself from UNIFEI.