Infection by Zika Vírus in human cells alters the expression profile of miRNA-15 and activation of apoptotic caspases
Zika virus; Apoptosis; miRNA-15; HEK-293.Abstract
Objective: Evaluate the miRNA-15 expression profile involved in cellular apoptotic regulation factors. Methodology: We used the H818308 Asian strain of ZIKV without neurological damage. The inoculations occurred in human embryonic kidney cells (HEK-293). After inoculation, samples were extracted for RT-qPCR quantification of viral RNA and miR-15. The level of activation of caspases 1, 3/7 and 8 of cells was performed using chemofluorescence. Results: The ZIKV infection alters the expression of genes and their regulators, affecting several cellular physiological processes such as apoptosis. Conclusion: Therefore, it is important to emphasize that renal progenitor cells (HEK-293) are susceptible to VZIK infection. The genetic deregulation resulting from infection directly affects important cellular processes such as apoptosis from the disordered miRNA-15 expression during the infection period.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Jardel Fábio Lopes Ferreira; Murilo Tavares Amorim; Walter Félix Franco Neto; Francisco Canindé Ferreira de Luna; Karla Fabiane Lopes de Melo; Gleissy Adriane Lima Borges; Ana Paula Sousa Araújo; Gustavo Moraes Holanda; Samir Mansour Moraes Casseb; Ana Cecília Ribeiro Cruz

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