Effect of basalt rock powder associated with different substrates on the initial development of aroeira seedlings (Myracrodruon urundeuva)





Anacardiaceae; Organic substrates; Rock powder; Plant initial development.


This study aimed to evaluate the initial growth of aroeira in Oxisol soil with the addition of different organic (humus and vermicompost) and organic/mineral substrates (commercial substrate) and rock powder. Seeds were collected and, after germination, transplanted to different types of substrate. The treatments assembled, with different proportions of compounds, were: T1 (50% humus + 50% Oxisol); T2 (50% commercial substrate + 50% Oxisol); T3 (50% vermicompost + 50% Oxisol); T4 (40% humus + 40% Oxisol + 20% rock powder); T5 (40% commercial substrate + 40% Oxisol + 20% rock powder); T6 (40% vermicompost + 40% Oxisol + 20% rock powder); T7 (30% humus + 30% Oxisol + 40% rock powder); T8 (30% commercial substrate + 30% Oxisol + 40% rock powder); and T9 (30% vermicompost + 30% Oxisol + 40% rock powder). Initial plant development was influenced by the treatments; 20% powder and 40% nitrogen from humus (T4) produced seedlings with the greatest root, aerial part and total weight, in addition to greatest height and collar diameter. The data obtained indicate that aroeira develops better when in argillaceous substrates, with the addition of 40% humus and 20% rock powder, indicating the adequacy of this composition for its initial growth.

Author Biographies

Ademir Kleber Morbeck de Oliveira, University Anhanguera

Professor of the Agronomy Course and The Master's Degree InProduction and Agroindustrial Management At  Anhanguera University - Unidero

José Carlos Pina, Universidade Anhanguera

PhD student of the Environment and Regional Development Program of Anhanguera University - Uniderp 

Sílvia Rahe Pereira, Universidade Anhanguera

Professor of the Master's program in Agroindustrial Production and Management at Anhanguera University - Uniderp

José Antoino Maior Bono, Universidade Anhanguera

Professor of the Agronomy Course and The Master's Degree InProduction and Agroindustrial Management At  Anhanguera University - Uniderp

Rosemary Matias, Universidade Anhanguera

Professor of the Master's and Doctorate program in Environment and Regional Development, Anhanguera University - Uniderp

Fabio de Freitas Pires, Universidade Anhanguera

Academic course agronomy course at Anhanguera University - Uniderp 

Talles Edmundo de Assis, Universidade Anhanguera

Student of the Master's program in Agroindustrial Production and Management at Anhanguera University - Uniderp


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How to Cite

OLIVEIRA, A. K. M. de; PINA, J. C. .; PEREIRA, S. R. .; BONO, J. A. M. .; MATIAS, R. .; PIRES, F. de F. .; ASSIS, T. E. de. Effect of basalt rock powder associated with different substrates on the initial development of aroeira seedlings (Myracrodruon urundeuva). Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 9, n. 12, p. e5591210790, 2020. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v9i12.10790. Disponível em: https://rsdjournal.org/index.php/rsd/article/view/10790. Acesso em: 6 mar. 2025.



Agrarian and Biological Sciences