Active methodologies in remote lesson times: understanding the differences between public and private education in cities in the interior of Ceará




Teachers; Social isolation; Teaching; Remote teaching; Public and private education system; COVID-19.


Teachers are constantly faced with challenges related to the teaching methodology used in the classroom. Whether due to new technologies or new concepts, it is evident that teachers are reinventing themselves in an attempt to provide the best possible teaching experience to their students. This study addresses an even more challenging reality, that of carrying out all of this, however, in an environment outside the classroom. The social isolation caused by the pandemic of COVID-19 brought, abruptly, remote education to the center of attention, becoming the new reality. This article aimed to understand the differences in teaching between the public and private schools in cities in the interior of Ceará, being carried out through the application of interviews, in which the teachers' reports were collected. While in public education the main difficulty narrated was the application of tools, in private education the greatest difficulty was to adapt the content to the methodology. In this period of remote classes, it is not only essential to train education professionals, but mainly to give voice to teachers, since they are the real transforming agents of education.

Author Biographies

Yago Neco Teixeira, Universidade Federal do Cariri

Bachelor of Science and Technology from the Federal Rural University of the Semi-Arid (UFERSA). Chemical Engineer graduated from UFERSA. Specialization in Occupational Safety Engineering in progress (Faculdade CNI). He is currently doing a master's degree at the Federal University of Cariri (UFCA) in the Post-Graduate Program in Sustainable Regional Development (PRODER) with research in the area of ​​aquatic systems quality and pollution control. He works / has worked in the following research areas: wastewater treatment, adsorption (emphasis on ionic flocculation and bio-adsorbents) and alcoholic fermentation.

Cícero Allan Barbosa Soares, Universidade Federal do Cariri

Master's student in Sustainable Regional Development at the Federal University of Cariri (UFCA). Graduated in Mechanical Production Engineering from Universidade Regional do Cariri (2009). Postgraduate MBA in Project Management from Universidade Estácio de Sá - UNESA (2016). Postgraduate MBA in Quality Management from Faculdade Paraíso - FAP (2018). Acted as PPCP Supervisor and Warehouse Supervisor in large industry. Worked as Mechanical Engineer, Production Supervisor and PPCP Supervisor in medium-sized industry. Advanced English. Basic German.

Rômulo Pereira de Almeida, Universidade Federal do Cariri

Graduated in Computer Engineering from the Federal University of Vale do São Francisco - UNIVASF, with interests in the areas of free software, microcontrolled systems with network communication, precision irrigation and agroforestry systems.

Luciana Melo de Medeiros Rolim Campos, Universidade Federal do Cariri

Mother of 2 girls. Maternity leave in 2006 and 2009. Master's student in Sustainable Regional Development - PRODER / UFCA. Bachelor in Public Administration and Social Management from the Federal University of Cariri. Permaculture formed by the Institute of Permaculture and Ecovillages of the Atlantic Forest and Sustainability Designer certified by Gaia Educação and the University of Environment and Peace. & # 10; Founding member of the Center for Studies and Practices of Semi-arid Permaculture (NEPSSA) linked to the State University of Ceará where, between 2007 and 2013, he developed projects for the implementation of permaculture systems in rural communities in Ceará. In 2011 he received the Climate Generation British Council program or the title of ambassador for climate for his work in the area of ​​the environment. & # 10; Founding Partner of Maloca Escola de Permacultura where he develops works and research in the area of ​​Education for Sustainability and dissemination of Permaculture to traditional communities and social movements. & # 10; Founding member of the Caririense School of Permaculture, a collective free from permaculturists whose mission is to disseminate Permaculture in a way that is accessible to everyone and to provide integrative, active and participatory methodologies for the teaching of Permaculture.

André Ramos de Souza, Universidade Federal do Cariri

He holds a degree in Environmental Engineering from the Federal Institute of Ceará and since his graduation in the area of ​​Environmental Management of Water Resources, when he has been for two years at the Water Resources Management Company of Ceará - COGERH. It is nearing completion of my undergraduate degree in the field of environmental consulting, providing services to companies and industries with environmental licensing processes with environmental agencies at the federal, state and municipal levels. Within these works, I carry out several environmental studies that optimize corporate environmental management, such as Solid Waste Management Plans (PGRS), Environmental Feasibility Studies (EVA), Simplified Environmental Studies (EAS) and Environmental Certification. I also act as Geoprocessing of geographic information through GIS tools, making maps, diagnostics and modeling of data and environmental information. I have experience in the operation of basic software such as office suite, Autocad and Arcgis. Since 2018, he has been a member of Sanitation as the sector coordinator, in conjunction with the Crato Water and Sewerage Society - SAAEC, not the Engineering and Projects Center. Atuo was also a member of the Municipal Council for the Environment of Crato - COMDEMA and together with the Technical Chamber of Conservation Units of the APA of Chapada do Araripe. He is a professor of Regional and Sustainable Development at the Federal University of Cariri - UFCA and has a postgraduate degree in Sanitation from the Faculty of Sales of New Immigrants (FAVENI).

Adriana de Alencar Gomes Pinheiro, Universidade Federal do Cariri

PhD in Psychology from the University of Fortaleza (2015). Master in Psychology from the University of Fortaleza (2003). Graduated in Psychology at the University of Fortaleza (1995). Graduated in Social Sciences at the Catholic University of Pernambuco (1991). Specialist in Teaching and Higher Education Management by the Centro Universitário Paraíso do Ceará (UNIFAPCE), Applied Psychology - Child Psychodiagnosis (1998), Psicopedagogia (2002) by the Federal University of Ceará. Specialist in Organizational and Work Psychology (2002) and Neuropsychology (2008) by the Federal Council of Psychology. Experience in Management and Teaching of Higher Education in the Area of ​​Clinical / Organizational and Work Psychology. Coordinator of the Psychology Course, of the Psychopedagogical Support Center, Undergraduate and Graduate Professor at the Centro Universitário Paraíso do Ceará (UniFAPCE). Collaborating Professor of the PPG in Sustainable Regional Development at the Federal University of Cariri (PRODER / UFCA) in the research line Health, State and Society. Member of the Human Research Ethics Committee at the Federal University of Cariri (UFCA). Coordinator of the Center for Studies and Research in Subjectivities, Bioethics and Public Policies (NESBPOP). Coordinator of the Center for the study, research and extension of Law and Psychology on Conflict Management Methods (PSIJUS). Member of the Research Committee and Study Group on Culture, Consumption and Work (NECCT) at UNIFAPCE. Member of the National Association of Research and Graduate Studies in Psychology (ANPEPP) and of the Brazilian Association of Psychology Education (ABEP). Works in the area of ​​Clinical and Work Psychology. Invited professor of the Post-Graduation of Psychology courses and related areas.

Zuleide Fernandes de Queiroz, Universidade Federal do Cariri

Graduated in Pedagogy from the Federal University of Ceará (1986), Master in Education from the Federal University of Ceará (1992) and Doctorate in Education from the Federal University of Ceará (2003) and Post-Doctorate from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (2014) )) He is a professor of institutional undergraduate courses: Faculty of Medicine of Juazeiro do Norte - FMJ, Faculty of Juazeiro do Norte - FJN. Permanent professor of two Graduate Programs: Professional Education Program in Education PMPEDU / URCA, PROFHISTÒRIA / URCA and PRODER / UFCA. Research in the areas of: Education, with an emphasis on History of Education, Educational Policy and Teacher Education; Health and Violence; Women and Violence; Childhood - adolescence and violence. Works in Extension actions in the areas of: Education and Health; Education and social movements.


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How to Cite

TEIXEIRA, Y. N.; SOARES, C. A. B.; ALMEIDA, R. P. de; CAMPOS, L. M. de M. R.; SOUZA, A. R. de .; PINHEIRO, A. de A. G.; QUEIROZ, Z. F. de. Active methodologies in remote lesson times: understanding the differences between public and private education in cities in the interior of Ceará. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 9, n. 12, p. e46691210922, 2020. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v9i12.10922. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 jan. 2025.



Education Sciences