The Nightingalean theory and its legacy in the prevention of surgical infections in Brazil: testing technology




Nursing theory; Surgical wound infection; Infection control; Nurses male; Technology.


The objective of this article is to reflect on the contributions of the legacy left by Florence Nightingale, through his environmental theory, discussing conceptual, theoretical, and practical approaches to the policies for the prevention and control of surgical infections in Brazil and the empowerment of Nurses, through testing environment disinfection technology. Method: it is a theoretical reflection, based on bibliographic research for theoretical foundation, with a qualitative approach. Result: the environmental theory developed by Florence Nightingale has been widely used by health care establishments from ancient times to the present day. The nurse has the full capacity to carry out testing with technologies. However, they need to be trained and immerse themselves in the area of the research, in addition to committing themselves to develop all the stages involved in the study rigorously. Still, they also need to have financial resources, which need to be injected into public universities, institutions, and research institutes, aimed at scientific research in Brazil. Conclusion: Florence Nightingale remains present with her precious teachings for Nurses and other health professionals and other areas. Her contributions are in line with the prevention and control of healthcare infections, especially surgical infections. In the meantime, the nurse is a fundamental part of the care capable of testing a disinfection technology in the surgical environment based on ultraviolet C-radiation.  

Author Biographies

Jackeline Franco Couto, Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

Doutora em Ciências pela Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro- UNIRIO.

Wiliam César Alves Machado, Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

PhD in Nursing and Adjunct Professor at the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro-UNIRIO.

Eva Maria Costa, Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

PhD in Nursing and Associate Professor at the Department of Fundamental Nursing at the Nursing School Alfredo Pinto - UNIRIO

Maria Antonieta Rúbio Tyrrel, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

Full Professor at EEAN / UFRJ and Senior Visiting Professor at PPGENF / UFPI Federal University of Rio de Janeiro-UFRJ

Kátia Maria dos Santos Calegaro, Conselho Regional de Enfermagem do Rio de Janeiro

Master in Nursing and Occupational Health from the State University of Rio de Janeiro.

Ludmila Santos Oliveira , Conselho Regional de Enfermagem do Rio de Janeiro

Master in Nursing from the State University of Rio de Janeiro- UNIRIO

Nébia Maria Almeida de Figueiredo, Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

PhD in Nursing, Professor Emeritus and Titular at the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro - UNIRIO.


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How to Cite

COUTO, J. F.; MACHADO, W. . C. A.; COSTA, E. M. .; TYRREL, M. A. R. .; CALEGARO, K. M. dos S.; OLIVEIRA , L. S. .; FIGUEIREDO, N. M. . A. de. The Nightingalean theory and its legacy in the prevention of surgical infections in Brazil: testing technology. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 1, p. e13710111587, 2021. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v10i1.11587. Disponível em: Acesso em: 27 mar. 2025.



Health Sciences