Nurse's performance in the identification of factors associated with non-adhesion to the elderly in the treatment of systemic arterial hypertension




Arterial hypertension; Non-adherence to the medication; Nursing; Comprehensive care for the elderly.


This study aims to describe the role of nurses in identifying factors associated with non-adherence to the elderly in the treatment of systemic arterial hypertension. Methodology is an integrative review. To select the studies, four databases were used, namely: Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Science (LILACS), International Literature in Health Sciences (MEDLINE), (PUBMED) and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL). The search was carried out in November 2020. For the selection of articles, the following inclusion criteria were considered complete articles, available electronically. 13 articles were selected that met the proposed objectives Results: it was possible to observe the predictive factors for medication adherence for the treatment of SAH in the elderly, due to the lack of information, low education, lack of family support. Final considerations: it is necessary for nurses to recognize the main factors that contribute to non-adherence to medication treatment for the elderly. Therefore, the need to create a strategy that involves embracement, health education and behavior change can favor participatory behavior that contributes to therapeutic adherence in an appropriate manner.

Author Biographies

Cintia Hellen Souto Ramos, Faculty Terra Nordeste

graduated in Nursing at Faculdade Terra do Nordeste (Fatene) 2021

Assunção Gomes Adeodato, Faculty Terra Nordeste

Graduated in Nursing from the Universidade Estadual Vale do Acaraú (1992). She has experience in the area of Nursing and teaching at the undergraduate and technical level, with an emphasis on Nursing. Specialist in the area of education and health. Master's student in pedagogical innovation.

Diego Jorge Maia Lima, Faculty Terra Nordeste

Graduated in Nursing from the Faculty of Pharmacy, Dentistry and Nursing at the Federal University of Ceará-UFC (2011). Master in Nursing from UFC (2014). PhD in Nursing from UFC (2016). Specialist in Public and Private Health Services Audit by INET (2013). Academic experience in the area of Nursing in Sexual and Reproductive Health, working mainly with Health Promotion for vulnerable populations. Member of the faculty of the Nursing course at Faculdade Terra Nordeste (2013-current). Professional care experience in maternal and child health, adult and elderly (2011-2012), adult and elderly cardiorespiratory emergency (2012-2014), adult and elderly general and cardiology medical clinic (2014-2017) and care regulation (2018- current).


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How to Cite

RAMOS, C. H. S.; ADEODATO, A. G. .; COSTA, N. da; LIMA, . D. J. M.; PEREIRA, J. L. D.; SILVA, N. A. da. Nurse’s performance in the identification of factors associated with non-adhesion to the elderly in the treatment of systemic arterial hypertension. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 1, p. e50510111863, 2021. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v10i1.11863. Disponível em: Acesso em: 27 mar. 2025.



Review Article