The impacts on Hospital Corporate Education with the emergence of COVID-19: an integrative review




Continuing education; Health education; COVID-19; Hospital education service.


With the advances of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 and continuing in 2021, there were major impacts on corporate education within hospital health services. Thus, there was a great need to acquire new tools for hospital teaching by health professionals. Therefore, the objective was to seek new changes implemented in the teaching process by corporate education through an integrative review, whose data were collected by the Scielo, Pub Med and VHL database in 2020, with the following descriptors: Continuing Education; Health education; COVID-19; Hospital Education Service. The data were analyzed using Content Analysis. 24 articles were found on the theme with inclusion and exclusion process, with only 11 articles included. Thus, studies show and evidence that there were major impacts for everyone involved in health care directly or indirectly for those who work in a hospital unit, reflecting both for professionals and for patients who meet with COVID-19. Health professionals have to adapt and re-adapt, through coping with new practices of assistance thus inserted, as well as in education and in the development of new methods for training, taking into account restrictions in agglomerations. It was found in the general analysis of this study that, there is a predominantly positive evaluation in the assistance of health professionals, prioritizing customer safety in the COVID-19 contamination process. It should be noted that corporate education has acted heavily in training to minimize the health impacts of employees in hospital care.

Author Biographies

Leonardo Alves Sampaio, UnitedHeath Group

Ad hoc expert of the journal Research, Society and Development - ISSN 2525-3409 and Revista Norte Mineira de Enfermagem; MBA - Health Management and Infection Control - INESP; Academic Master in Knowledge, Policies and Practices in Collective Health and Nursing - UERJ; Mental Health Management - UNICAM; Specialization in Primary Care with Emphasis on Family Health - FESO; Graduation in Nursing - FESO; Professional experience: Professor and lecturer; Nurse Educator at Empresa Amil - RJ July 2018; Nurse in Hospital Psychiatry and ICU - 2017/2018 May; Nurse in Espaço ElOOS Project - Gestating Care and Autonomy (Mental Health) - Pregnant and Postpartum Women Using Alcohol and Other Drugs - VIVA RIO 2017; Mental Health Outpatient Coordinator - CAPS, Mental Health Manager - City Hall of Guapimirim RJ in the period from 2014 to 2016. Participation in the Matrixing process in the Family Health network in the City of Guapimirim with a stage in development and responsible for the training process in Permanent Education area and participation in Mental Health Exchange - Embú das Artes SP - 2015.

Fernanda Maria Lage Silva, UnitedHeath Group

Nurse, graduated from the Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais,
specialist in Public Health with an emphasis on FHS from Centro Educacional São Camilo,
Master in Education in Diabetes from IEP Santa Casa de BH. Acts as a corporate educator
for the UnitedHealthGroup- UHG- Rio de Janeiro; Tutor / Contentist by Qualienf, professor
of the postgraduate course by UNINASSAU

Mariza Helena Toledo Ramos , UnitedHeath Group

Nurse, graduated from the Iguaçu University, specialist in Oncology from Candido
Mendes University and Higher Education Teaching from Unyleya University;
Acts as a nurse educator in the corporate area of ​​the UnitedHealth Group - UHG -
Rio de Janeiro;


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How to Cite

SAMPAIO, L. A. .; SILVA, F. M. L. .; RAMOS , M. H. T. . The impacts on Hospital Corporate Education with the emergence of COVID-19: an integrative review. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 1, p. e54110112094, 2021. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v10i1.12094. Disponível em: Acesso em: 27 mar. 2025.



Health Sciences