For an education in favor of praxis: action, education and culture




Action; Education; Culture; Práxis.


This article brings some reflections about education and culture, taking as a parameter Freire’s critical perspective. The reflections that we present revolve around the coherence between what is said and what is done (Praxis). Our goal is to: analyze the Freire's Education categories; Awareness; Culture and Popular Culture crossed by the concept of Praxis, perceiving thinking and acting as inseparable practices for the educators of our time. The methodology utilized is bibliographic review with emphasis on qualitative based narrative review. Therefore, we start from the principle that education is a political act, but also that every critical political act needs to reflect on concrete reality, since it is not given explicitly. It needs to be unveiled. Texts like the one we have here aim to stimulate the awareness process, since this only takes place in praxis. The theme that we present is current and necessary, connecting times that sometimes seem remote, but that in the current situation are pertinent. The results show that the revisiting the works of Paulo Freire is more and more current and is possible to be implemented in the daily life of the educator, we also defend that Freire when developing the concept of Praxis contributes strongly to elucidate the gap between thinking and acting and thus recognize our condition of oppressor / oppressed so that at some point we can overcome it.

Author Biographies

Lucia Gomes Serpa, Federal University of Paraiba; University of Sao Paulo.

Graduated in Theater Interpretation by the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), she participated in theater groups in Porto Alegre, São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro and in shows such as Bailei na Curva (RS), Chronicle of the Small Town and Empire of Cobiça , by the group Tear (RS), O Menor Espetáculo da Terra and Show Colosso (RJ and SP) and O Pequeno Mago, by the group XPTO (SP). In the Theater-Education area, she has given theater courses and workshops since 1984 in Porto Alegre, São Paulo and later in the state of Paraíba, where she lives. She was a professor at the Escola Livre de Teatro (SP) and the Escola-Teatro Célia Helena (SP) and, since 2001, she teaches and develops research at the Federal University of Paraíba, being responsible for creating the curriculum for the Degree in Theater. Master in Education from UFPB, supervised by Prof. Dr. Charliton dos Santos Machado, is currently a doctoral student in the Postgraduate Program in Performing Arts, Theater Pedagogy area, at ECA - USP, under the guidance of Maria Thais Lima Santos.

Charliton José dos Santos Machado, Federal University of Paraiba

Teacher at the Federal University of Paraíba / UFPB. Allocated at the Department of Education Methodology - DME at the Education Center / CE. He has a Research Productivity Scholarship from the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) PQ1-D. Member of the Education Advisory Committee - CA-ED / CNPq

Gabriel Alves do Nascimento, Federal University of Paraiba

Master's student in the Graduate Program in Education at the Federal University of Paraíba / UFPB. Graduated in Pedagogy in the field of Rural Education at UFPB. His texts are published in the fields of Teaching, Education, History of Education, Press, Gender, School Institutions and the Paradigm of the Indictment.

Aline Rodrigues de Almeida, Federal University of Paraiba

Master by the Graduate Program in Education at UFPB. Graduated from the Pedagogy course at UFPB. His texts are published in the fields: Popular Education, Education as a Community Experience and History of Education


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How to Cite

SERPA, L. G.; MACHADO, C. J. dos S.; NASCIMENTO, G. A. do; ALMEIDA, A. R. de. For an education in favor of praxis: action, education and culture. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 1, p. e54210112104, 2021. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v10i1.12104. Disponível em: Acesso em: 27 mar. 2025.



Education Sciences