Forensic papilloscopy and revelation of digital impressions in the scene of a crime: a tool for the teaching of chemistry with a CTS approach


  • Inaiá Lopes Guerreiro Instituto Federal do Ceará
  • Caroline de Goes Sampaio Instituto Federal do Ceará



Papiloscopy; CTS; Forensic Chemistry.


The teaching and learning of chemistry has proved to be an increasingly difficult process. The high level of abstraction of content adds to the burden of external evidence and creates a climate that is often demotivating for students and teachers within the classroom. It is in this context that alternative pedagogical tools emerge to improve the teaching and learning process. The present study aimed to show how a forensic pap smear class involving a criminal investigation context, together with a thematic workshop on hidden fingerprinting techniques, can be effective in teaching the content "molecular interactions" through the relation of teaching of chemistry with CTS focus in a high school located in Maracanaú - CE. To verify the efficiency of learning, two questionnaires were carried out with the participating students. One of them diagnosed, which sought to gather information about the level of knowledge of the students on the subject and opinions about which types of methods would be the most efficient for learning; and an evaluation, which aimed to know the efficiency of the workshop. The importance of the use of alternative didactic resources was made to make chemistry classes more attractive to the students, arousing in them the curiosity and the desire to learn when using a subject much publicized by the media among the young, such as forensic expertise.


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How to Cite

GUERREIRO, I. L.; SAMPAIO, C. de G. Forensic papilloscopy and revelation of digital impressions in the scene of a crime: a tool for the teaching of chemistry with a CTS approach. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 8, n. 9, p. e03891229, 2019. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v8i9.1229. Disponível em: Acesso em: 16 mar. 2025.



Education Sciences