The nurse as the protagonist of the early identification of Sepsis: Care in the management and evolution of the disease




Lactate; Sepsis; Organ Dysfunction Scores; Identification; Nurse's role; Nurses.


This study talks about the importance of nurses' actions in the early identification of signs of sepsis, using laboratory data to better approach the patient in progress of this disease. Its objective is to highlight the importance of nurses' knowledge in the early identification of sepsis. It is an integrative review with the following guiding question: What is the importance of the nurse's actions in the early identification of signs of sepsis, using laboratory data to better approach the patient in course of this disease? The search for publications was carried out in the VHL databases. As an inclusion criterion, articles published between 2014 and 2020 were selected, using the following descriptors: lactate, sepsis, sofa, nurse's role, SOFA score, Identification, nurses. The knowledge evidenced in the chosen publications was reduced. However, among the articles found by nurses inserted in the early identification of sepsis, most stressed its importance in the context presented, but they did not present a specific approach in solving the problem, limiting their activities in secondary interventions such as: assessment of water balance and nutritional support. , observation of the patient contemplating the control of the parameters of FiO² (fraction of inspired oxygen), PaO² (partial pressure of oxygen). We conclude that it is essential that nurses are protagonists in the management of sepsis, in addition to the possibility of creating protocols by these professionals, who use the systematization of nursing care to identify and prevent diseases, which is an effective way of reduce complications in the most varied sectors of health care.


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How to Cite

CEBRIANO, G. C. y M.; SILVA, D. L. C. da; RAMOS, L. G. A.; PASSOS, I. C. G. A.; BARBOSA, K. L. R.; ANDRADE, P. P. de .; SANTIAGO, V. E. L. .; SANTOS , T. N. S. . The nurse as the protagonist of the early identification of Sepsis: Care in the management and evolution of the disease. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 2, p. e56010212922, 2021. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v10i2.12922. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 feb. 2025.



Review Article