A bibliometric study of Cybersecurity in Industry 4.0 publications





Industry 4.0; Cyber security; Resilience.


The 4th Industrial Revolution (4IR), characterized by the combination of different technologies, in several degrees of maturity, generates a set of innovation opportunities in the industry. This revolution, known as Industry 4.0, originated in Germany, within a national strategy to make the country a leader in technology, aiming to strengthen its global competitiveness. The current technological environment of Industry 4.0 makes use of interconnected cyber-physical systems through a set of enabling technologies. With the connectivity of these systems, Cyber Security challenges arise, making these issues a top concern for business leaders. Faced with a scenario for the protection of data and information, this research carried out a bibliometric study on the scientific production related to Cyber Security in Industry 4.0, using a quantitative-qualitative approach to measure publications and their characteristics. The analysis and discussion of the results made it possible to identify the research areas of the publications, the periodicals with the largest number of publications, the authors with the most cited works, the countries and institutions with the most relevant research on the topic, and the representativeness of the keywords used in publications identified in the Web of Science and Scopus databases.

Author Biographies

Antonio João Gonçalves de Azambuja, Technological Institute of Aeronautics

Doctorate from the Graduate Program in Science Education at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul - UFRGS. Doctoral student of the Postgraduate Program in Space Sciences and Technologies - Technological Management at Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica - ITA. Master in Knowledge Management and Information Technology, at the Catholic University of Brasília, with an emphasis on Cybersecurity. Subjects taken at the Doctorate of the Technological Institute of Aeronautics, with the following subjects taken: Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Technology Engineering Processes for Technology-Based Products, Sustainability of the Manufacturing Process, Integrated Product Development, Advanced Manufacturing, Lean Product Development and Analysis of Technological Risks. Lato Sensu post-graduation in Strategic Management of Information Technology and Post-graduation in Software Engineering and Architecture at Universidade Estácio de Sá. Lato Sensu graduate course in Information Security at Centro Universitário IESB. Graduated in Information Security Technology at the Catholic University of Brasília - UCB. MBI - Master Business Innovation FIESC - SENAI, an immersion in the 4th. Industrial Revolution. Studying at Fundação Getúlio Vargas the Executive MBA in Business Analytics and Big Data, with the following subjects already taken: Statistical Inference, Information Modeling and Data Analysis with R. Certifications: Principles of IT Management (EXIN). Information Security Foundation based on ISO / IEC 27002 (ISFS), EXIN Business Continuity Management Foundation based on ISO 22301 (BCMF), Scrum Fundamentals Certified (SFC) and COBIT 5 Foundation. Experience in Computer Science, with emphasis on Information Security Technologies, information technology project management, information security management, risk management and in micro and small business management. Member of the information technology support team of the Executive Secretariat of the Support Program for Scientific and Technological Development - PADCT and Technical Secretary for Information Technology of the PADCT Management Information System. Public servant of the State Science and Technology career, with fifteen years of experience and performance in the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development - CNPq of the Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovation and Communications, acting as Substitute Chief of the Security Service of Information and Substitute Chief of the Information Technology Planning and Innovation Service. Required by the Federal Attorney General, exercising the position of Head of the institution's Information and Communications Security Service. He works as a professor in the Computer Networks Security Graduate and MBA in Business Intelligence - Business Intelligence at Universidade Estácio de Sá.

Vilson Rosa Almeida, Technological Institute of Aeronautics

Director of Institutional Cooperation (DCOI) of CNPq from 06/18/2019 to 07/05/2020. Specialized in the areas of Photonics and Electronic Engineering, for Aerospace applications and Biomedical Engineering, with an emphasis on: Silicon Photonics, Integrated Optics, Fiber Optic Sensors, Micro / nano-devices and Micro / nano-sensors, Microwaves (RF) and Optoelectronics. Graduated from the Technological Institute of Aeronautics (ITA) in Electronic Engineering with the distinction Magna Cum Laude (1997), in addition to graduating from the Air Force Academy (AFA) in Aeronautical Sciences with a degree in Military Aviation (1987), master's degree from ITA in Engineering Electronics and Computing (1998) and PhD from Cornell University in Electrical and Computer Engineering (2004). He has experience in the conception, design, manufacture and characterization of devices in Integrated Photonics in Silicon, from Sensors to Fiber Optics, especially for Aerospace Applications. He coordinated a technological development project, financed by FINEP, entitled "Optical Fiber Miniaturized Girometric Block for use in Missil MAR-1". Accredited in the Post-Graduation of ITA and in the Photonics Division of the Institute for Advanced Studies (IEAv), both belonging to DCTA-COMAer. Accredited in the Graduate Program in Biomedical Engineering (PPGEB) of the University of Brazil. Member of the Evaluation Committee for Graduate Programs of CAPES - Engenharias III (Triennial 2010-2012; Quadrennial 2013-2016). Member of the Deliberative Council of the Brazilian Society of Optics and Photonics (SBFoton). Coordinator of the "Physics in the Company" (FEM) Area Commission, of the Brazilian Physics Society (SBF). Adhoc advisor to FAPESP in PIPE Projects and scholarships in general. CNPq Fellow in Productivity in Technological Development and Innovative Extension - DT, level 1D. International recognition for a relevant scientific contribution, by triple composing the list of the 100 most cited articles in the 40 years of history of the renowned international journal Optics Letters (https://www.osapublishing.org/ol40/most-cited-OL-papers.cfm ), classified as QUALIS A1 in the areas of Engineering III and IV, among other areas; the researcher's articles ranked # 16, 60 and 80 among the most cited, characterizing him as the most cited Brazilian and with the highest number of ranked articles.


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How to Cite

AZAMBUJA, A. J. G. de; ALMEIDA, V. R. . A bibliometric study of Cybersecurity in Industry 4.0 publications. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 3, p. 4210312937e, 2021. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v10i3.12937. Disponível em: https://rsdjournal.org/index.php/rsd/article/view/12937. Acesso em: 15 jan. 2025.



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