Occurrence of mycorrhizal fungi in rosewood (Aniba duckei kosterm) and mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla king) at different collection times in the Manaus region





Plant nutrition; Mycorrhizal plant-fungal association; Mycorrhizal colonization; Soil microbiology; Amazon forest species.


Mycorrhizal associations are strategies used by most vascular plants, in order to increase the area of ​​absorption of water and nutrients. However, the establishment of this association is modeled by environmental factors, including rainfall. The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between rainfall and microrrizic colonization in rosewood and mahogany plants. Collections of roots and rhizospheric soils were carried out in August / 2005, December / 2005 and March / 2006. The variables analyzed were the percentage of mycorrhizal colonization (%), the intensity of colonization (%) and the density of spores in the soil under planting. In general, mycorrhizal colonization was greater in the root system of rosewood. Mycorrhizal spores showed a marked seasonal variation, with greater density recorded in the rhizosphere of the rosewood in the month of March, and mahogany in the month of December. The average colonization of roots by FMA was influenced by water availability, with a higher rate of colonization and spores in the period of greatest amount of rainfall. Mahogany showed higher concentrations of Ca, Mg and lower concentrations of Mn in the leaves than rosewood. Both species showed the same macronutrient concentration sequences in the leaves: Ca> K> Mg> P. The sequence of micronutrient concentration in the leaves on the rosewood was Fe> Mn> Zn and on the mahogany, it was Fe> Zn> Mn. There was a significant positive correlation between root colonization by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and levels of Ca and Mg in the leaves of the rosewood in the month of December and, negative for the levels of Zn in the leaves of the mahogany in the months of March and December.

Author Biographies

Francisco Adilson dos Santos Hara, Universidade Federal do Amazonas

Agronomist graduated from the Federal University of Amazonas, Master in Agrarian Sciences from UFAM, PhD in Ecology from the Tropical Biology and Natural Resources Program of the National Institute for Research in the Amazon. Full Professor, Department of Agricultural and Soil Engineering, Federal University of Amazonas. Deputy Dean of Undergraduate Education at the Federal University of Amazonas (2009-2013), Director of the Department of Academic Programs at the Dean of Undergraduate Education at UFAM (2013-2017). Head of the Department of Argolic and Soil Engineering at UFAM. Currently, he is responsible for the disciplines of Soil Microbiology and Nutrient Cycling for the Agronomy, Engineering and Environmental Sciences course for the Food Engineering course. Coordinates research projects and guides in the Scientific Initiation Program in the field of Soil Microbiology.

Antonio Carlos Santos Silva, Universidade Federal do Amazonas


Graduated in Biological Sciences. He holds a master's degree in Forestry and Environmental Sciences from the Federal University of Amazonas (2006). He was a professor and researcher at the Escola Superior Batista do Amazonas. In higher education he worked in the area of ​​general ecology and education, with an emphasis on ecosystems and general education, acting mainly on the following themes: General ecosystems, Supervised Internship, Monographs. Currently, he works in the private sector in the field of production and and commercialization of agricultural products.


Francisco Wesen Moreira, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisa da Amazônia

Graduated in Forest Engineering from the University of Technology of the Amazon (2003), graduated in Technologist of Wood from the University of Technology of the Amazon (1986) and Master in Science of Tropical Forests from UFAM / INPA (2006). He is currently a Researcher at the National Research Institute of the Amazon. Has experience in Microbiology, focusing on Applied Microbiology, acting on the following subjects: Amazonia, Leguminosae, Mycorrhizae and Soil Fertility.


Jhony Vendruscolo, Universidade Federal do Amazonas

Graduated in Agronomy from the Federal University of Rondônia (2007), Master in Soil and Water Management from the Federal University of Paraíba (2012), and PhD in Soil Science from the Federal University of Paraíba (2017). Professor at the Federal University of Amazonas (UFAM), he works mainly in the areas: watershed management, spatial and temporal analysis of soil cover, indicators of soil and water quality, evaluation of desertified areas, recovery of degraded areas, environmental planning , geoprocessing and remote sensing.


Luiz Carlos Costa de Souza, Universidade Federal do Amazonas

Graduated in Full Degree in Biological Sciences at the State University of Amazonas. He is currently a graduate student in agronomy at UFAM. She worked in the Scientific Initiation Scholarship Program and is a fellow of the Tutorial Education Program (PET) -Agronomy. Has experience in soil microbiology.

Luiz Antonio de Oliveira, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisa da Amazônia

Graduated in Agronomic Sciences from UNESP Júlio de Mesquita Filho (1976), Master in Soil Sciences from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (1982) and PhD in Soil Science (microbiology) from the University of Minnesota (1988). Senior researcher at the National Institute of Research in the Amazon since January 1977, where he held the positions of Deputy Director, Area Director, General Coordinator of PG, Head of Department, Editorial Commission. He participated in the Biosafety, Sensitive Goods and Substitute Committees at INPA at CGEN. Representative of INPA in the Scientific Council and later, Directing Council of Rede Bionorte with the MCTIC. It was from October 2014 to October 2016, the Vice-Director of INPA and Coordinator of Strategic Actions of the institute, presiding over and participating in this period, of the institutional PAC Commissions and, member of the Institute's Board of Directors. He is the alternate for MCTIC at AMOCI. He teaches postgraduate courses at INPA, State University of Amazonas (UEA) and Federal University of Amazonas (UFAM). It works in a multidisciplinary way in regional research, such as Family Agriculture, Sustainable Development, Biotechnology; has more experience in Agronomy, with emphasis on Microbiology and Biochemistry of Soil (microbial ecology, microbial metabolism, enzymes), Soil Management and Fertility, Plant Nutrition. He was coordinator of several scientific projects financed by CNPq, FINEP, FAPEAM, PETROBRAS, including large network projects, such as: General Coordinator of the CTPetro Amazônia Network (www.inpa.gov.br/ctpetro) from its beginning, in 2001, until its end in 2014. It was a research network with an INCT structure (National Institutes of Science and Technology), created in response to the call for proposals by FINEP Redes Norte / Nordeste, financed by the Sectorial Petroleum Fund (CTPetro)



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How to Cite

HARA, F. A. dos S.; SILVA, A. C. S.; MOREIRA, F. W. .; VENDRUSCOLO, J. .; SOUZA, L. C. C. de .; OLIVEIRA, L. A. de . Occurrence of mycorrhizal fungi in rosewood (Aniba duckei kosterm) and mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla king) at different collection times in the Manaus region. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 4, p. e25010413666, 2021. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v10i4.13666. Disponível em: https://rsdjournal.org/index.php/rsd/article/view/13666. Acesso em: 7 jan. 2025.



Agrarian and Biological Sciences