Analysis of the characteristics of a positive institution that assist victims of traffic accidents




Support network; Resilience; Traffic accident; Positive institution.


The present study aimed to investigate an institution that develops an integrated rehabilitation program for people with physical disabilities, including victims of traffic accidents. The research was based on the Bioecological Theory of Human Development. The Ecological Insertion was used as a central methodology in a qualitative design of 45 hours of systematic visits that made possible to investigate: the dynamics of the institution, main values and beliefs of the workers practices and perceived results by professionals and users. The principles of grounded theory guided the analysis of transcriptions of the field diary observations and informal interviews that were part of the material collected in loco. The results identified three main categories consistent with characteristics of positive institutions, such as: the institutional purpose to promote empowerment and resilience, and a physical and psychological care project that emphasizes well-being and positive emotions of professionals and patients involved in the context.

Author Biographies

Erika Guimarães Soares de Azevedo Andrade, Universidade Salgado de Oliveira

Graduated in Psychology from Centro Universitário do Triângulo, UNITRI - Uberlândia, MG (2007), Master in Social Psychology from Salgado de Oliveira University, UNIVERSO - Niterói, RJ (2017), student of the Doctorate in Social Psychology course also from UNIVERSO. She is part of the teaching staff of the undergraduate course in Pedagogy at Faculdade Maria Thereza, FAMATH-Niterói, RJ. The areas of interest for research are related to family and parental resilience, developmental bioecology, victims of traffic accidents, support and protection networks and related public policies. She also composes her area of interest in studies related to Distance Education.

Maria Angela Mattar Yunes, Universidade Salgado de Oliveira

He holds a degree in Psychology from Instituto Unificado Paulista (1977), a master's degree in Developmental Psychology from the University of Dundee, Scotland (1991) and a doctorate in Education (Educational Psychology) from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (2001). She is a permanent professor at Salgado de Oliveira University, UNIVERSO, Niterói, RJ and a collaborator in the Graduate Program in Education at La Salle University, CANOAS, RS. She founded the Center for Psychological Studies on Street Boys and Girls-CEP-RUA of FURG and the Center for Studies and Care for Families-NEAF / FURG. She currently coordinates the Reference and Attention Center for Families and Social Professionals - CRAFPS of the Universe in partnership with CRAF / FURG. Member of the Advisory Committee (Education and Psychology) of the Research Support Foundation of Rio Grande do Sul / FAPERGS, of which she was the coordinator until August / 2011. Consultant for national and international journals. Assistant Editor of Education, Science and Culture Magazine. He has experience in research and interventions in the area of ​​Psychology, with an emphasis on Education and Psychological Development of Populations at Risk from the perspective of the Bioecological Approach to Human Development and Positive Psychology, acting mainly on the following themes: family and parental resilience, developmental bioecology , support and education programs for / for families, rights of children, adolescents and families at risk and training of social agents.

Leonardo Fernandes Martins, Universidade Salgado de Oliveira

He is currently Professor of the Graduate Program in Psychology at Salgo de Oliveira University (Master and Doctorate course), linked to the line of Social Cognition, Organizations and Work teaching the discipline of Special Topics in Organizational and Work Psychology, Advanced Quantitative Methods I and II with emphasis on modeling latent variables in contexts applied to Research in Psychology and Psychometry. PhD in Psychology from UFJF with Sandwich / CAPES scholarship for research internship abroad at the University of Kansas Medical Center, taking courses in the KU Quantitative Psychology Program . His doctoral project had as its theme the development of an Open Source E-health tool for Alcohol Abuse Assessment and its prevention (financed by FAPEMIG, and PROCAD / UFJF / UNIFESP / CNPq). He was a member of the multicenter project E-health Project of the World Health Organization (WHO) in partnership with the Federal University of São Paulo, Federal University of Paraná and Federal University of Juiz de Fora. He holds a Master's degree in Psychology from UFJF with an emphasis on psychosocial health processes and assessment of working conditions and illnesses of Primary Health Care professionals. He studied specialization in statistical computational methods at the UFJF Institute of Exact Sciences. Graduated in Psychology at the Federal University of Juiz de Fora. He has experience in the areas of Psychometrics, Psychological Assessment, Quantitative Research Methods, Applied Statistics and use of Open Source tools with applications in the area of ​​Occupational Health, Health Policies, Quantitative Evaluation of Service Networks using Social Network Analysis. He is a member of the Reference Center for Research, Intervention and Evaluation in Alcohol and Drugs-CREPEIA and the Latin American Research Network on Stigma and Drugs. He has experience in the management of research and extension projects involving the Ministry of Health DECIT, the Ministry of Justice SENAD and other development agencies,. He was coordinator of the course and full professor I of the Psychology course at the Centro Universitário Estácio de Sá in Juiz de Fora, as well as a member of the Structural Development Center, internship supervisor in clinic and advisor of scientific initiation projects. He has important experience as a consultant in Psychometrics and Statistical Modeling, with an emphasis on Mplus and Open Source languages ​​such as R, Python and Julia. Member of the Association for Contextual Behavioral Science (ACBS) and member of the National Association for Research and Graduate Studies in Psychology - ANPEPP. Managing partner of for data-based solutions and the use of machine learning.


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How to Cite

ANDRADE, E. G. S. de A.; YUNES, M. A. M.; MARTINS, L. F. Analysis of the characteristics of a positive institution that assist victims of traffic accidents. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 4, p. e36510414097, 2021. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v10i4.14097. Disponível em: Acesso em: 15 jan. 2025.



Human and Social Sciences