Limitations in the acute myocardial infarction and effects on the patient's quality of life
Infarction; Patient Care; Quality of life.Abstract
Cardiovascular diseases are considered the main cause of death in developed countries and are responsible for leaving limitations in patients who survive them, which has a considerable impact on their quality of life (QOL), prognosis, and health. Thus, the objective is to analyze the limitations caused by Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI) and the repercussions on the QOL of these patients. For this, this systematic review was developed, which gathered evidence available on search platforms such as the Virtual Health Library (VHL), Medical Publisher (PubMed), and Semantic Scholar. Health Sciences Descriptors (DeCS) “myocardial infarction”, “quality of life” and “limitation of activity, chronic” were used in combination with a Boolean operator “AND” for the search, in addition to the filter to understand results from the last 10 years (2011-2021). Finally, a long screening was carried out to include more pertinent findings that answered the PICO question, resulting in 26 publications. Among the main findings of the articles, changes stand out mainly in the dimensions of usual activities, physical functions, mobility, pain, and anxiety / depression, reflecting the presence of limitations such as fatigue, angina, dyspnoea, symptoms of post-stress disorders traumatic, erectile dysfunction, laboratory and financial limitations. Post-AMI patients with more limitations, presented lower QOL, which can be seen as a predictive factor for increasing the chances of recurrence and mortality. It is important that health professionals have knowledge and act in this pathological cycle with individualized interventions, aiming at patients' survival and quality of life.
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