Conflict resolution: Agreement or judgment




Moral damages; Conciliation; Agreements; Solution of conflict; You're sorry.


The advancement of information and communication technology and society changes, new forms of flexible work relations have been disseminated, among which the Self-composition establishes itself within the Brazilian courts as a solution to resolve the problem of delay in processing and procedural procedure. With the advent of the 125/10 resolution, aimed at the use of new forms of conflict resolution, aimed at consensus-building, as well as of law nº 13,105, of 16 March 2015, the new CPC, which brought several innovations to Brazilian and one of the procedural system that more attention is precisely the conciliation hearing. A new horizon is formed. Arises like this, the perspective of institutionalization of compulsory Self-composition. It is proposed that in addition to lessen the length of procedure is access to justice and comes change the culture of the sentence, in the sense that is provided to the parties, the resolution of your deal, where a.  Third party is required to try Approaching the interests of both, guiding them in the formation of an agreement, without departing from the guiding principles of the process. The judiciary has taken various initiatives to accommodate such changes. The main objective of the study is to analyze the advantages between the agreement in the conciliation hearing or the waiting for a decision in the judicial sentence, verifying the procedural time in both cases. Moreover, conciliation aims to find the fastest way to resolve the controversy, allowing greater access to justice.


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How to Cite

OLIVEIRA, I. L. dos S. .; SANTOS , R. L. dos .; PEREIRA, A. G. .; FERNANDES, F. H. .; SILVA, R. L. da .; BRAGA, M. V. O. . Conflict resolution: Agreement or judgment. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 6, p. e39510615522, 2021. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v10i6.15522. Disponível em: Acesso em: 23 oct. 2024.



Human and Social Sciences