Use of civil construction waste for production of cementic mortar cobogó




Design; Solid Waste; Civil Construction; Sustainable Products; Cobogó; Mechanical test.


The amount of construction waste deposited in landfill in Lorena city - SP is approximately 50 tons/day. This landfill is already at its limit capacity and represents an unusable area responsible for several environmental, economic and social impacts. The aim of this work is the development and characterization of a sustainable product from solid waste from civil construction. The morphology of the collected waste was analyzed by SEM/EDS. The residues were macerated, mixed in different proportions with cement and water, and made into rectangular boxes. The mechanical test was carried out by flexing three points on specimens, absorbing water and analyzing fracture by SEM. Morphology of samples showed a heterogeneous and porous mass, with particles of different sizes, few agglomerates, and the presence of organic material. Resistance to the average rupture of the samples was obtained in MPa, characteristic of concrete for structural application. This being so, a mockup was developed proposing a hollow element type product, Cobogó style, indicating the potential of using civil construction waste as a sustainable product.

Author Biographies

André Luiz de Paulo Carolino, Centro Universitário Teresa D’Ávila

Graduated in Business Administration from Centro Universitário Teresa D`Ávila (2005), MBA in Production Management from Universidade Julio de Mesquita FEG (2011), Master in Design Technology and Innovation UNIFATEA (2018). He is currently Director of Fuel and Parts Control at Lorena City Hall. He has experience in the areas of Administration, Planning and Production Control. Practice area: Administration, Management, Sustainability

Jorge Luiz Rosa, Centro Universitário Teresa D’Ávila

PhD in Mechanical Engineering, in the area of ​​Surface Treatment, Biomaterials and Nanotechnology by Universidade Estadual Paulista - UNESP-FEG. Master in Mechanical Engineering in the area of ​​Surface Treatment, Process Optimization and Experiment Planning, from Universidade Estadual Paulista - UNESP-FEG. Specialization in Quality Engineering from the University of São Paulo - EEL / USP. Graduated in Mechanical Production, from the Higher Education Institute of Cruzeiro - IESC. Senior Professor III at 6 years of the Faculty of Technology of São Paulo - FATEC. Collaborating professor in the Postgraduate Professional Master's Program in Design, Technology and Innovation - PPG-DTI, at UNIFATEA. Professor at the Technical College of Lorena - COTEL-USP. He was a professor for 5 years in Production Engineering at Centro Universitário Salecianos de Lorena - Unisal. He was a professor for 12 years in the Superior Course of Design and Administration at Centro Universitário UNIFATEA. He has been working for more than 25 years in Materials Engineering research at the University of São Paulo-USP, Campus Lorena. In the areas of Corrosion, Surface Treatment and Scanning Electron Microscopy and DOE. He coordinated the Welding Technical Course at Colégio Delta de Lorena-SP for 5 years. He served as a consultant in the area of ​​production and quality, and was a Director / Partner for 10 years at the R & S Consulting Company.

Simone Pereira Taguchi Borges, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro

She holds a degree in Chemical Engineering from the Faculty of Chemical Engineering in Lorena (1998), a master's degree in Materials Engineering from the Faculty of Chemical Engineering in Lorena (2001) and a PhD in Materials Engineering from the Faculty of Chemical Engineering in Lorena (2005). She is currently a Professor / Researcher at the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro. She has experience in the area of Materials and Metallurgical Engineering, with an emphasis on advanced ceramics, biomaterials and waste utilization.

Rosinei Batista Ribeiro, Centro Universitário Teresa D’Ávila

Postdoctoral fellow at the Technological Institute of Aeronautics (ITA) at the Institute of Advanced Studies - IEAv, Department of Aerospace Science and Technology - DCTA - 2020. Postdoctoral in Mechanical Engineering from Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, Guaratinguetá Campus - FEG -UNESP - 2014. Research Productivity Scholarship-PQ -2015/2018. PhD in Mechanical Engineering from UNESP- FEG (2004). Institutional Coordinator of CNPq Scientific and Technological Initiation Scholarships - PIBITI and PIBIC-EM - UNIFATEA. Permanent Professor in the Postgraduate Program Professional Master in Design, Technology and Innovation - PPG-DTI and leader of the Research Group - DGP - CNPq "Product and Social Technologies Project". Consultant - CAPES and participation in the Forum of coordinators of the PPGs and the Working Group (WG) in the area of ​​Architecture and Urbanism and Design - AUD - CAPES - Four-month Evaluation (2017-2020). Permanent Professor in the Professional Master's Program in Management and Technology in Productive Systems at the State Center for Technological Education Paula Souza - CEETEPS - Postgraduate, Extension and Research Unit, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Technology of Guaratinguetá and Cruzeiro / SP, President of Teaching, Research and Extension Chamber - CEPE. Permanent Professor in the Academic Master's Degree in Development, Technologies, Society - Federal University of Itajubá - UNIFEI. Visiting Professor at the Center for Advanced and Sustainable Manufacturing Studies at Matanzas University - CEFAS-UMCC - CUBA. He has experience in teaching, research and extension activities in the areas of Industrial Design, Production Engineering and Materials, with an emphasis on Design and Materials, Product Design, Social Technologies, Experiment Planning (DOE), Manufacturing Processes, Corrosion, Materialography , Strategic Management, Technological Innovation and Supply Chain Management (SCM).

José Wilson de Jesus Silva, Centro Universitário Teresa D’Ávila

Pós-Doutorado em Engenharia de Materiais pela Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, Campus de Guaratinguetá - UNESP-FEG (2015), Doutorado em Engenharia Mecânica pela Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, UNESP-FEG (2011), Mestrado em Engenharia Mecânica pela Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho UNESP-FEG (2003) e Graduação em Engenharia Civil pela Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, UNESP-FEG (2000). Atualmente é Professor Titular I e Coordenador do Laboratório de Design de Joias do Centro Universitário Teresa DÁvila - UNIFATEA, membro do Instituto Superior de Pesquisa e Iniciação Científica - ISPIC/UNIFATEA, membro do Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa do UNIFATEA, Professor do Programa de Pós-Graduação Stricto Sensu, UNIFATEA - Mestrado Profissional em Design, Tecnologia e Inovação, Professor do curso de Arquitetura e Urbanismo - UNIFATEA, Professor na Associação Educacional Dom Bosco, AEDB, para o curso de Engenharia Civil e Professor colaborador no departamento de química da UNESP, Campus de Guaratinguetá. Possui experiência em ensino, pesquisa e extensão nas áreas de Desenho Industrial, Design de Joias de Nióbio, Línguas Estrangeiras, Engenharia Civil, Mecânica e Produção, com ênfase em Novos Materiais, Planejamento de Experimentos, Corrosão, Caracterização Microestrutural e Gerenciamento da Cadeia de Suprimentos.


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How to Cite

CAROLINO, A. L. de P. .; ROSA, J. L. . .; BORGES, S. P. T. .; RIBEIRO, R. B. . .; SILVA, J. W. de J. Use of civil construction waste for production of cementic mortar cobogó. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 7, p. e27210716185, 2021. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v10i7.16185. Disponível em: Acesso em: 7 mar. 2025.



Exact and Earth Sciences