Chiari malformation: Case report




Anomaly; Vertebrobasilar invagination; Herniation; Cerebellar tonsils; Bulbomedular compression.


Chiari (MC) malformations are abnormalities at the base of the brain that involve structures such as the cerebellum, the brainstem and the cervical cranial junction. The etiopathogenesis of this disease is still unclear, it is believed that it is a congenital alteration, due to malformations in embryogenesis. This report aims to identify the severity of the disease in patients diagnosed with Chiari Malformation type I, the importance of early diagnosis and surgical intervention to reduce sequelae. The methodology used in this case study was carried out in a qualitative and descriptive manner, through direct collection of patient data through access to medical records and exams provided by her. The results found were that the symptoms can vary from occipital headaches to motor and sensory deficits. The diagnosis usually occurs in adulthood, by means of magnetic resonance imaging, and the treatment is only surgical. Magnetic resonance images reveal vertebrobasilar invagination, congenital short clivus and herniation of the cerebellar tonsils that obstructed the vertebral canal with bulbomedular compression. The surgical approach was performed by removing a lower part of the occipital bone and posterior arch of C1. The case had a favorable and stable evolution, but the patient still has sequelae due to the severity of the clinical condition. It is concluded, therefore, that it is a rare and highly complex disease due to the specificity of the surgical intervention, with early diagnosis being an important ally in the reduction of sequelae.


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How to Cite

PEREIRA, L. G. .; BORGES, A. de O. .; FRANÇA , G. L. M. . de; VASCONCELOS , A. C. . Chiari malformation: Case report. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 7, p. e3310716202, 2021. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v10i7.16202. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 sep. 2024.



Health Sciences