Epidemiological characterization of immediate transfusion reactions in a public teaching hospital





Transfusion reaction; Blood transfusion; Protocols; Blood safety; Epidemiologic studies.


Objectives: To characterize immediate Transfusion Reactions (RT) and analyze the means for diagnosing these reactions. Methodology: This is a research with a retrospective, exploratory and descriptive longitudinal design, carried out at a Public University Hospital in Aracaju – SE, Brazil. All ethical aspects were respected approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Sergipe, data collection took place between 2019 and 2020. Data on transfusion reactions were extracted from the hospital's notification system and were characterized according to national and international protocols, as to the imputability of a Transfusional Reaction with clinical and laboratory criteria and with the temporal bond. The statistical analysis performed on the data was descriptive and inferential according to the researchers' variables and objectives. Results: The date of the transfusion incident and the notification in the system provided an average time of 3.91 days for professionals to notify the TRs. The transfusion history was not completed in 85% (67) of the notifications. The possibility of RT recurrences in these patients occurred between 1 to 18 days after the initial event and only 27% (n=3) were in different units. Final considerations: Transfusion reactions when notified demonstrate a rich source for more adequate care for patients undergoing transfusion treatment with blood components.

Author Biographies

Aline Bezerra Silva, Federal University of Sergipe

Graduated in Nursing from the Catholic University of Salvador(1999), specialization in Specialization Course in Patient Safety for Network professionals from Oswaldo Cruz Foundation(2017), specialization in SPECIALIZATION IN OCCUPATIONAL NURSING from Castelo Branco University(2008), and specialization in SPECIALIZATION COURSE IN SURGICAL MEDICAL NURSING IN THE FORM OF RESID at Universidade Federal da Bahia (2004). She is currently an Intensive Care Nurse at Hospital Universitário de Sergipe and a Member of the Advisory Committee at HOSPITAL UNIVERSITÁRIO DE SERGIPE. She has experience in the field of Nursing.

Adicinéia Aparecida de Oliveira, Federal University of Sergipe

Graduated in Business Administration from Universidade Cruzeiro do Sul (1987), Master's in Administration from Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (1995), and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Universidade de São Paulo (2005). She is currently Associate Professor II at the Department of Computing at the Federal University of Sergipe and Head of the Process Management and Information Technology Sector at the University Hospital of UFS / EBSERH. She has experience in the field of Computer Science, with an emphasis on Information Systems, Software Engineering, ICT Management, Health Informatics, and Digital Health. She is the leader of the Study and Research Group on Health Informatics (GEPIS) at UFS. She works in the Postgraduate Program of Professional Masters in Management and Technological Innovation in Health (PPGITS) at UFS.

Juliana de Oliveira Musse Silva , Tiradentes University

Graduated in Nursing from the Catholic University of Salvador (2010), Postgraduate in Intensive Care from Faculdade São Francisco da Paraíba (2014); Master in Public Health from the State University of Paraíba (2013); Doctor of the Postgraduate Program in Health and Environment - Unit. Lines of action: Public Health and Forensic Nursing. Adjunct Professor I at Tiradentes University - SE. Coordinator of Professional Practices of the Brazilian Nursing Association - SE. First Secretary of the Brazilian Society of Forensic Nursing - SOBEF

Gleyce Kelly de Brito Brasileiro Santos , Federal University of Sergipe

Master's Student in Nursing from the Post-Graduate Program in Nursing at the Federal University of Sergipe, Post-Graduate Student at the MBA in Hospital Management and Infection Control at INESP, Specialist in Adult and Elderly Health by the Multiprofessional Residency Program at UFS, Company Nurse Brazilian of Hospital services with a position in the Skin Care Committee of the University Hospital of Sergipe and a Nurse at the Federal University of the Nursing Department at the Campus de Lagarto. She has experience in the Nursing Care area (surgical center, Materials, and Sterilization Center, Medical and surgical clinic) and in the Hospital Infection Control Commission. Technique in Informatics - systems analysis and object-oriented programming by the Federal Institute of Sergipe (2002).

Rafael Braga Esteves, University of São Paulo

Ph.D. in Sciences (Direct Doctorate) by the Graduate Program in Psychiatric Nursing at Ribeirão Preto College of Nursing, University of São Paulo (2020). During this period, he was a CAPES doctoral fellow in Brazil and a fellow of the Sandwich Doctorate Program Abroad, PDSE / CAPES, for an international internship at the University of Alberta, Canada (2019). Specialist in Forensic Nursing, the title conferred by the Brazilian Society in Forensic Nursing (2019). Specialist in Health Services Evaluation, the title conferred by the Federal University of Health Sciences of Porto Alegre and Open University of the Unified Health System (2015). Bachelor and Licentiate in Nursing from the School of Nursing of Ribeirão Preto, USP (2013), during his undergraduate studies he did an exchange at the University of Alberta, Canada through the Academic Merit Scholarship - USP (2013). He completed the Sexual Assault Nurse Examine - SANE (2019) course. The researcher has already developed and participated in research and university extension projects and collaborated in scientific events related to Forensic Nursing. Founding member of the Brazilian Society of Forensic Nursing. E, Member of the Academy of Forensic Nursing. He is currently a collaborating member of the Academic League of Forensic Nursing at the Ribeirão Preto College of Nursing, USP. He is Technical Support for Research at the same Educational Institution through the Level 3 Technical Training Training Program, sponsored by the São Paulo State Research Support Foundation-FAPESP.

Ângela Maria da Silva, Federal University of Sergipe

Graduated in Medicine from the Federal University of Sergipe (1985), Master in Tropical Medicine from the University of Brasília (1990), and Ph.D. in Infectious Diseases from the Federal University of São Paulo (2001). She is currently on the editorial board of Gazeta Médica da Bahia, Revista Pan-Americana de Infectologia, and associate professor of DIP at the Department of Medicine at the Federal University of Sergipe. She has experience in Medicine, with an emphasis on Infectious and Parasitic Diseases, acting on the following topics: Clinical Immunology Schistosomiasis, Leptospirosis, Visceral Leishmaniasis, Tuberculosis, Chagas Disease, and HIV / AIDS and cardiovascular repercussion in patients with the disease under treatment


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How to Cite

SILVA, A. B. .; OLIVEIRA, A. A. de .; SILVA , J. de O. M.; SANTOS , G. K. de B. B. .; ESTEVES, R. B. .; SILVA, Ângela M. da. Epidemiological characterization of immediate transfusion reactions in a public teaching hospital. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 9, p. e5110916635, 2021. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v10i9.16635. Disponível em: https://rsdjournal.org/index.php/rsd/article/view/16635. Acesso em: 26 dec. 2024.



Health Sciences