The literary work as a source in educational research: A study on Brazilian education in the second half of the 19th century




Education; Literature; Source; School system.


This research is qualitative in nature, bibliographical in nature, focusing on the practice of research in the history of education, according to the guidelines suggested by Luca (2020). This article addresses the images of pedagogical practices and the teacher-student relationship in the Brazilian school environment in the nineteenth century, brought by fiction literature, with emphasis on the novel genre. The methodology was developed in two stages, integrated with each other. In the first, three novels published in the 19th century were selected: Posthumous Memoirs by Brás Cubas and Conto de Escola, by Machado de Assis; The Athenaeum, by Raul Pompéia; O Coruja, by Aluísio Azevedo and A Normalista, by Adolfo Caminha. In the second stage, after the analytical reading of each of the works, passages in the narrative that translate the images of situations in the Brazilian school environment were pointed out, identifying the practices and the teacher-student relationship. In each analysis it was possible to identify passages that denote the existing school model. The research findings reinforce the multiple views of the aforementioned writers who, through their works, point to the configuration and reconfiguration of the educational system, against the political design of a Brazilian republican project.

Author Biography

Fernanda Maria Diniz da Silva, Secretaria da Educação Básica do Ceará

This research is qualitative in nature, bibliographical in nature, focusing on the practice of research in the history of education, according to the guidelines suggested by Luca (2020). This article highlights images of pedagogical practices and the teacher-student relationship, taken from fictional narratives, in the novel and short story genres, in Brazilian literature, from the end of the 19th century. The investigative work was developed from the selection and analysis of three novelists who stood out in Brazilian fiction in the last quarter of that century: Posthumous Memoirs by Brás Cubas and Conto de Escola, by Machado de Assis; The Athenaeum, by Raul Pompéia; O Coruja, by Aluísio Azevedo and A Normalista, by Adolfo Caminha. In each analysis, images were identified that denote the school model and the type of pedagogical practice present in the classroom context. The research findings reinforce the multiple views of these writers, who, through their fictional works, point to the configuration and reconfiguration of the Brazilian educational system, against the political design of a republican project.


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How to Cite

ANDRADE, F. A. de .; SILVA, F. M. D. da . The literary work as a source in educational research: A study on Brazilian education in the second half of the 19th century. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 8, p. e57810817613, 2021. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v10i8.17613. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 mar. 2025.



Human and Social Sciences