Internet of Things: the search for the concept and future perspectives on its applicability




Technology; Internet; Internet of Things; IoT.


Internet of Things is a translation of the expression Internet of Things (IoT), which reminds us that the Internet can be present in all things, expanding the possibility of control and data collection. This article aims to search for IoT concepts, describing its evolution, applicability in various segments, its future perspectives and its greatest challenges for large-scale implementation. Therefore, bibliographic, analytical and descriptive research was used in books, articles, dissertations, reports, national and international documents. The article discusses the evolution of the Internet, also portrays IoT and the evolution of mobile cellular networks, brings some future perspectives and demonstrates some challenges for IoT. It was found that the IoT, despite the challenges such as the implementation of the fifth generation of telephone networks, the security and privacy of the data generated and transferred, is already a reality with its various applicability. The evolution of devices of the most varied types integrated into smartphones, smart tvs, smartwatches, further expanding Internet access in today's period, provides us with information that helps in decision-making. It is essential not only to use these devices, but also that everyone knows their concepts, evolution, applicability and challenges. It is suggested as a proposal for future thematic research involving the insertion of people in environments that do not use IoT and environments in which decisions are taken with the help of IoT, for example, research with control groups.


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How to Cite

SANTOS, M. M. .; FRANCO, M. L.; ALVES, W. M.; SOUZA, M. C. de; BARROS, G. F.; SILVA, M. M. da. Internet of Things: the search for the concept and future perspectives on its applicability. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 10, p. e140101018504, 2021. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v10i10.18504. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 jan. 2025.



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