Analysis of ball speed in the kick made by girls practicing futsal




Female futsal; female futsal; Shooting; shooting; performance analysis; Performance analysis; sexual maturation; Sexual maturation.


The objective was to analyze the speed of the ball in the action performed by the kick by girls practicing futsal in the school context, as well as to categorize the dominant and non-dominant side. They were analyzed transversally and quantitatively 53 students, distributed in their respective categories: under 11 (n=12), under 13 (n=14), under 15 (n=14) and under 17 (n=13), participants in the physical education classes in a municipal school in Tapejara-RS. To this end, each student made three kicks with the dominant leg, and three kicks with the non-dominant leg in the marking of the 10m futsal shot. All categories showed a lower average speed of the ball on the non-dominant side in relation to the dominant side. There was a significant difference in the dominant side between the U17 and U11 categories, being 22.7% higher in the U17 category in relation to the U11 category (p = 0.016). The detection of a higher speed on the ball after kicking, for female students, is directly linked to the asymmetry of use and stimulus given to the segments in the different daily and specific actions of futsal. The authors suggest a larger incentive in the participation of girls in sporting activities inside the futsal schools, because it can elevate the biological maturation inside of the analyzed chronological age group, diminishing the delay in the maturation and in the motor qualification of girls that only do school activities.


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How to Cite

SOARES , B. H. .; ZANATTA, A. M.; PAQUALOTTI , A. .; JESUS, J. A. de .; NODARI JÚNIOR , R. J. .; GOMES, S. A. .; ALVES, M. A. R. .; LEITE, M. M.; FERREIRA, C. E. S. . Analysis of ball speed in the kick made by girls practicing futsal. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 10, p. e324101018977, 2021. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v10i10.18977. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 feb. 2025.



Health Sciences