Tuberculosis in prisons and factors associated with notification place in the state of São Paulo: a case-control study
Tuberculosis; Prisons; Diagnostic; Notification.Abstract
Objective: to describe the sociodemographic, diagnostic, and clinical factors associated with tuberculosis notification place among persons deprived of liberty. Methods: this is a case-control study, with data collected from persons deprived of liberty diagnosed as new cases of tuberculosis, from 2015 to 2017, in the tuberculosis information system in the state of São Paulo. The cases comprised individuals notified outside the prison system, and the controls, those notified within the prison system, with a matching ratio equal to three. Exposure variables included: sociodemographic, diagnostic, and clinical data and were analyzed using frequency distribution and univariate analysis. Results: 5,764 cases of tuberculosis were reported in the prison system. It was evident that people of white and black race/color, who had the diagnosis during hospitalization, negative and not performed sputum culture, extrapulmonary and pulmonary+extra clinical form, diabetes mellitus and drug use are more likely to be notified outside the prison system. Conclusions: the study showed the potentialities of the prison system for detecting tuberculosis cases; however, it has limitations that have been transposed through the articulation with the services that make up the healthcare network.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Nanci Michele Saita; Rubia Laine de Paula Andrade; Pedro Augusto Bossonario; Mariana Gaspar Botelho Funari de Faria; Erika Aparecida Catoia; Melisane Regina Lima Ferreira; Aline Ale Beraldo; Aline Aparecida Monroe

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