Ecological attributes and climate niche modelling of Allagoptera brevicalyx Moraes, an endangered species
Arecaceae; Population structure; Climate niche modeling.Abstract
This study aims to evaluate the population structure of Allagoptera brevicalyx Moraes in the Parque Nacional Serra de Itabaiana, SE and its susceptibility to occurrence in the northeastern of Brazil. For this, 20 plots of 25 m² were plotted, as all individuals of the species were counted and measured inside these sampling units. With these data, density, spatial dispersion, correlation between ontogenetic stages and individuals were calculated in diametric and hypsometric frequency classes. For modeling, georeferenced occurrence points of the species were collected in SpeciesLink and GBIF. Different algorithms were used to generate a consensual model and the maps were made in Qgis. A total of 111 individuals (0.22 ind.m²) were sampled, of which 44 (0.09 ind.m²) were adults and 67 (0.13 ind.m²) were regenerating. The species showed aggregated dispersion for the entire population (Id = 1.12), as well as for adults (Id = 1.18) and for regenerants (Id = 1.51). Concerning to the distribution of individuals in diametric frequency classes, an inverted “J” distribution was obtained. Regarding the distribution of individuals in hypsometric frequency classes, the highest concentration of individuals was observed in the intermediate classes. The species showed an occurrence susceptibility ranging from medium to high in a good part of the northeastern coast and in some wild areas. The species A. brevicalyx showed low density, however the population is stable. The potential distribution of the species indicates the northeastern coast as the most favorable region for its conservation and for the search for new populations.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Daniel da Paixão Menezes; Edineide Leite Santos; Lara Fabian Rodrigues de Jesus; Daniel Oliveira Reis; Rony dos Santos Nascimento; Mylena Mayara dos Santos Macedo; Beatriz de Mendonça Santos; Juliano Ricardo Fabricante
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