Psychopathological profile of late bariatric individuals and it’s association with weight regain




Psychological Distress; Bariatric Surgery; Weight gain.


Bariatric surgery is the most effective intervention in the fight against obesity worldwide. The effects of bariatric surgery have clinical and psychosocial repercussions. Therefore, it is necessary to know how individuals have lived this experience, considering the individual meanings that are related to the socio-historical context in which they are inserted. Objective: To find out if the psychopathological profile of late bariatric individuals is associated with weight regain. Methodology: This is a systematic review with a qualitative approach. The selection of articles was carried out from January to July 2020. A search was carried out in the literature published through the Virtual Health Library (VHL) of CAPES journals that include recognized databases, namely: MEDLINE/Pubmed, SCIELO, Psychology Index, CINAHL and embase, covering the entire literature on the subject until 2020. Eight articles were selected to compose the study sample, addressing the psychosocial effects of bariatric surgery using predominantly quantitative methodology and associated with the topic of weight regain. Conclusion: It was found through the articles that for a satisfactory clinical and therapeutic response, a late multiprofessional follow-up is important. It is important to highlight as a limitation of the study the precariousness of articles in the coverage area, highlighting the importance of new studies related to the subject.


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How to Cite

MENDES, J. M. S. .; LOTUFO NETO, F.; QUEIROGA, M. C.; LIMA, A. B. A. C. de .; ABRANTES, M. S. de A. P.; FONSECA, E. N. R. da. Psychopathological profile of late bariatric individuals and it’s association with weight regain . Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 11, p. e521101119872, 2021. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v10i11.19872. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 jan. 2025.



Health Sciences