The learning theories’ knowledge applied in the performance of distance tutor


  • Fernanda Abreu de Moraes Figueiredo Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro



learning theories; distance learning (DL); tutor distance.


This study aimed to identify the most influential theory of learning related to the practice of mentoring from behaviorism, cognitivism, humanism, the sociocultural theory and connectivism, and apply the most appropriate theories to solve common problems in distance education. For this purpose, we used the literature method. It was noted that each of the theories end up being influential to the role of tutor. Therefore, the learning tends to be richer in the ratio and effective to apply different theories together. However, that support better substantiating tutor's role is humanism, the sociocultural theory and connectivism. It was noticed that the problems often experienced by students in distance education are due to failures tutor interaction and affection, implying to resolve them closer tutor with the student to have more responsibility in the exchange of information, meeting deadlines and clarity in the disclosure notes assessments. Knowledge are mainly from humanism and sociocultural theory that end up not only reasons for existence of the tutor as serving to improve the development of the quality of tutor-student interaction.


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How to Cite

FIGUEIREDO, F. A. de M. The learning theories’ knowledge applied in the performance of distance tutor. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 1, n. 1, p. 3-19, 2016. DOI: 10.17648/rsd-v1i1.2. Disponível em: Acesso em: 5 jan. 2025.


