Late endodontic treatment of a tooth with extrusive dislocation and invasive cervical resorption: a clinical case report




Endodontics; Luxation, tooth; Tooth injuries; Root resorption; Tooth resorption.


This study aims to report the clinical case of a 16 years-old male patient, who attended a private office reporting that at an accident suffered at the age of 10 years-old, which caused extrusive dislocation in both teeth 11 and 21. At that time, the teeth were repositioned, without an adequate follow-up. Upon physical and radiographic examination, the following features were observed: presence of recurrent sinus tract on the vestibular surface, area of ​​external cervical resorption, and a periapical lesion on tooth 21. Endodontic treatments (necropulpectomy) were performed on teeth 11 and 21, with the placement of a root canal dressing of calcium hydroxide and subsequent root canal filling. In addition, soft tissue flap folding was performed to treat the resorption area and to seal it with glass ionomer cement. A 7 months follow-up radiograph shows stabilization in the process of the tooth resorption and remission of the periapical lesion. In conclusion, the endodontic treatment with intracanal medication, and the sealing of the resorption area were successful to preserve the traumatized tooth. In addition, it is noteworthy that following up with the patient after the trauma episode is essential to monitor the pulp vitality of the tooth involved.


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How to Cite

RIBEIRO, A. P. F. .; ANDRADE, J. G. de .; MAIA, H. C. .; LOUREIRO, C.; RODRIGUES, G. W. L. .; JACINTO, R. de C. . Late endodontic treatment of a tooth with extrusive dislocation and invasive cervical resorption: a clinical case report. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 12, p. e139101220061, 2021. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v10i12.20061. Disponível em: Acesso em: 1 jan. 2025.



Health Sciences