Construction 4.0: Industry 4.0 enabling technologies applied to improve workplace safety in construction




Enabling technologies; Construction; Industry 4.0; Job security.


Industry 4.0, the new production paradigm, has been arousing the interest of researchers around the world, due to its potential for improvements for companies, however little has been studied of its potential in the construction industry. This paper aims to identify which enabling technologies of Industry 4.0 can be applied to improve job security in civil construction. The methodology adopted was literature review, followed by field study / research with interviews with specialists, to identify the possibility of improving work safety in civil construction, through the technologies of Industry 4.0. The results of this research showed that the main technologies listed were: (1st) 3D printing and drone, (2nd) Augmented Reality and Wearable sensors, (3rd) safety vest, (4th) Virtual Reality, (5th) Bionic exoskeleton, (6th) Building Information Modeling (BIM), Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), helmet with sensors and smart helmets, (7th) Internet of Things (IoT) and finally, (8th) concrete mixer truck. The theoretical and practical contribution of this work is given by the presentation of technologies from Industry 4.0 that can maximize work safety in the construction industry, mitigating accidents at work, thus collaborating for the management of technology and innovation.

Author Biographies

Gilberto Gomes Soares Júnior, Universidade Nove de Julho

Post-graduation Program in Production Engineering

Walter Cardoso Satyro, Universidade Nove de Julho

Post-graduation Program in Production Engineering

Silvia Helena Bonilla , Universidade Paulista

Post-graduation Program in Production Engineering

José Celso Contador , Universidade Paulista

Post-graduation Program in Administration

Antônio Pires Barbosa , Universidade Nove de Julho

Post-graduate Program in Smart and Sustainable Cities

Sonia Francisca de Paula Monken, Hospital de Reabilitação e Transição Reger

Professor and Researcher

Mauro Luiz Martens , Universidade de Sao Paulo

Polytechnic School of USP, Post-graduation Program in Production Engineering

Marco Aurelio Fragomeni , Universidade Paulista

Post-graduation Program in Administration


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How to Cite

SOARES JÚNIOR, G. G.; SATYRO, W. C.; BONILLA , S. H. .; CONTADOR , J. C. . .; BARBOSA , A. P.; MONKEN, S. F. de P.; MARTENS , M. L. .; FRAGOMENI , M. A. Construction 4.0: Industry 4.0 enabling technologies applied to improve workplace safety in construction. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 12, p. e280101220280, 2021. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v10i12.20280. Disponível em: Acesso em: 2 jan. 2025.


