Public Policies in the Pandemic: Bibliometric Analysis in the Brazilian Context on the Web of Science and Scopus




Bibliometric analysis; Bibliometric Analysis; Public policy; Pandemic; InOrdinatio; Brazil; VOSviewer.; Public policy; Pandemic; InOrdinatio; Brazil; Vosviewer.


The Corona Virus pandemic brought serious problems of a world order, which involve the most varied activities of society causing disorder and increased social entropy. In this sense, governments and institutions have implemented public policies with the objective of minimizing the impacts of the disease and, simultaneously, these experiences have generated an increase in scientific production on the subject. Therefore, the objective of this work is to show the academic relevance of scientific productions on public policies in the pandemic through a bibliometric analysis. The study was carried out in the Web of Science and Scopus databases. It enabled the construction of a bibliographic portfolio with 39 relevant articles aligned with the theme. In addition to the selected articles that serve as a theoretical framework on the topic in question, the most relevant scientific productions from InOrdinatio stand out, which considers the impact factor, number of citations and year of publication. The study also uses cluster analysis as a multivariate classification technique and VOSviewer software for bibliographic mapping.

Author Biographies

Yunier Sarmiento Ramírez, Universidade Federal do Amazonas - UFAM

Doctor in Economics. Visiting Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Social Service and Sustainability in the Amazon

Daniel Guzmán del Rio , Amazonas State University - UEA

Doctor in Electrical Engineering. Coordinator of the Electronic Engineering Course at Escola Superior de Tecnologia.

José Ramón Hechavarria Pérez , Amazonas State University - UEA

Doctor of Technical Sciences. Professor in the postgraduate program in mechanical manufacturing processes at the Escola Superior de Tecnologia.

Yadira Pérez Cutiño, Amazonas State University - UEA

Master in Business Administration. Substitute Professor at the Superior School of Social Sciences.

William Scoralick, Amazonas State University - UEA

Master in Accounting and Controllership. Professor of the Accounting Sciences Course at the School of Social Sciences.

Igor de Oliveira Rocha, Federal University of Amazonas - UFAM

Social Worker. Student of the Postgraduate Program in Social Service and Sustainability in the Amazon.


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How to Cite

SARMIENTO RAMÍREZ, Y.; GUZMÁN DEL RIO , D.; HECHAVARRIA PÉREZ , J. R.; PÉREZ CUTIÑO, Y.; SCORALICK, W.; ROCHA, I. de O. . Public Policies in the Pandemic: Bibliometric Analysis in the Brazilian Context on the Web of Science and Scopus . Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 12, p. e258101220485, 2021. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v10i12.20485. Disponível em: Acesso em: 2 jan. 2025.



Human and Social Sciences