Estimation of soil hydraulic and solute transport properties from field infiltration experiments




Unsaturated soil; Hydrodispersive characterization; Solute infiltration.


To model water flow and solute transport in soils, hydrodynamic and hydrodispersive parameters are required as input data in the mathematical models. This work aims to estimate the soil hydraulic and solute transport properties using a ponded axisymmetric infiltration experiment using a single-ring infiltrometer along with a conservative tracer (Cl-) in the field. Single ring infiltration experiments were accomplished on an Oxisol in Areia in the state of Paraíba, Brazil (6o 58' S, 35o 41' W, and 645 m), in a 50 x 50 m grid (16 points). The unsaturated hydraulic conductivity (K) and the sorptivity (S) were estimated for short or long time analysis of cumulative three-dimensional infiltration. The single tracer technique was used to calculate mobile water fraction (Ф) by measuring the solute concentration underneath the ring infiltrometer at the end of the infiltration. Two solute transfer numerical models based on the mobile-immobile water concept were used. The mobile water fraction (Ф), the dispersion coefficient (D), and the mass transfer coefficient (a) between mobile and immobile were estimated from both the measured infiltration depth and the Cl- concentration profile underneath the infiltrometer. The classical convection-dispersion (CD) and the mobile-immobile (MIM) models showed a good agreement between calculated and experimental values. However, the lowest standard errors to the fitted parameters were obtained by the CD model.

Author Biographies

André Maciel Netto, Federal University of Pernambuco

Full Professor at the Department of Nuclear Energy (DEN) at the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE), with a doctorate in Mécanique des Milieux Géophysique et Environnement - Université de Grenoble I (Scientifique et Medicale - Joseph Fourier) (1998), master's degree in Science and Technology Nuclear from UFPE (1994) and Full Degree in Physics from the Catholic University of Pernambuco (1990). He has experience in Agronomy and Environmental Sciences, with an emphasis on Physics and Soil Pollution, working mainly on the following topics: Characterization of the hydraulic properties of water in the soil (hydraulic conductivity and retention curve); environmental contamination by pesticides and heavy metals; modeling and simulation of the leaching of pollutants into the environment; application of Fuzzy Logic and Neural Networks in the evaluation of hydrodynamic phenomena in the soil, and in studies of the spatial variability of soil physicochemical attributes. He is coordinator of the Soil Contamination Assessment Laboratory-LACS (DEN-UFPE) and permanent professor at the Post-Graduate Course in Environmental Engineering (PPEAMB-UFRPE).

Suzana Maria Gico Lima Montenegro, Federal University of Pernambuco

Degree in Civil Engineering from the Federal University of Pernambuco (1985), Master in Civil-Hydraulic Engineering and Sanitation from the School of Engineering of São Carlos, University of São Paulo (1989), Ph D in Civil Engineering - University of Newcastle Upon Tyne (1997 ). Post-Doctorate at the Center for Ecology and Hydrology - Wallingford (2008) and senior internship (ESN) at the Laboratoire dEcologie des Hydrosystèmes Naturels et Anthropisés (LEHNA), Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, France (2015) and at TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITÄT DRESDEN, Germany (2018). Has experience in Sanitary Engineering, with an emphasis on Water Resources and Geosciences, acting on the following topics: semiarid, salinity, alluvium, groundwater and spatial variability, distributed hydrological modeling and climate change, urban drainage. She is currently the President of the Pernambuco Agency for Water and Climate (APAC). She is a member of the Pernambuco Academy of Engineering and the Pernambuco Academy of Sciences.

Ademir de Jesus Amaral, Federal University of Pernambuco

Member of the Pernambuco Academy of Sciences (APC-PE), specializing in Occupational Safety, Master in Energy and Nuclear Technologies, from the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE), and Doctorate in Radiobiology from the Faculté de Médecine Henri Mondor - Université Paris XII (Paris -Val-de-Marne-France). He is a Full Professor at the Department of Nuclear Energy-UFPE, working in the following postgraduate programs: (1) Postgraduate Program in Energy and Nuclear Technologies (PROTEN / CRCN / DEN-UFPE); (2) Postgraduate Program in Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer for Innovation (PROFNIT), professional master's degree in national network. He was invited professor of Biophysics at Faculté de Médecine Xavier Bichat - Paris 7 - France (2001-2003), Coordinator of the Graduate Course in Biomedical Engineering at UFPE (2008-2010) and President of the Brazilian Society of Nuclear Biosciences - SBBN (2008- 2013) ( He coordinates the Study Group on Radioprotection and Radioecology (GERAR-UFPE), having led a research project that resulted in an innovative methodology for characterization of Chromosomal Fragility in humans, with patent deposit. Its Research, Development and Innovation activities cover the areas of Biomedical and Nuclear Engineering, mainly involving the following themes: Applications of Radiation in Medicine; Biodosimetry (Cytogenetic Dosimetry); Biological indicators of radioactive stress; Human Radiosensitivity; Occupational health and Safety.


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How to Cite

NETTO, A. M. .; MONTENEGRO, S. M. G. L. .; AMARAL, A. de J. Estimation of soil hydraulic and solute transport properties from field infiltration experiments. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 14, p. e195101421764, 2021. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v10i14.21764. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.



Agrarian and Biological Sciences