Benefit of the ketogenic diet in the treatment of children with epilepsy: a review of the literature




Epilepsy; Kid; Ketogenic diet; Diet therapy; Epileptic seizures.


Objective: to carry out an integrative review in order to list the benefits of the Ketogenic Diet in the treatment of childhood epilepsy. Methodology: This is an integrative literature review article, the search for articles was performed in three electronic databases, SciELO, PubMED and Google Scholar. Descriptors in Portuguese were used: “Epilepsy Ketogenic Diet”, “Epilepsy”, “Epileptic Drugs” registered in the Health Science Descriptors (DeCS). Inclusion criteria were original articles, indexed in selected databases, in Portuguese and English; published between the years 2016 to 2021. The exclusion criteria were publications of articles not related to the topic. Results: it was found that the ketogenic diet is effective in the treatment of childhood epilepsy, as it is able to reduce the frequency of epileptic seizures by up to 100%, as well as providing an improvement in the neurobehavioral development of children, also showing that the greater the longer the treatment, the better the results. Regarding the side effects of the treatment, the most mentioned were gastrointestinal problems, hyperlipidemia and vomiting. Final considerations: Finally, we emphasize the importance of developing new research involving the theme ketogenic diet and epilepsy, considering that it is recurrent in children, which will directly contribute to the scientific literature on the topic presented, as well as to researchers and professionals in the field.


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How to Cite

PEREIRA, J. C. .; NASCIMENTO, M. M. .; IBIAPINA, D. F. N. .; LANDIM, L. A. dos S. R. . Benefit of the ketogenic diet in the treatment of children with epilepsy: a review of the literature. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 15, p. e29101521809, 2021. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v10i15.21809. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 jan. 2025.



Health Sciences