Nurse's contributions in education and care management in conservative treatment in nephrology: integrative review




Nursing Care; Conservative Treatment; Nursing; Renal Insufficiency, Chronic; Health education.


Chronic Kidney Disease is a global public health problem, and its main factors are systemic arterial hypertension and secondly, diabetes mellitus associated or not with other factors such as alcoholism, smoking, and population aging. The aim of this study is to identify the scientific evidence on nurses' contributions to education and to managing the care of nephropathic clients undergoing conservative treatment. Methodology: this is an integrative review, whose method allows the analysis of multiple studies and, thus, the synthesis, which contributes to draw conclusions on a given theme. Results: the research was composed of nine articles, 2013 was the year that presented the highest number of publications including three articles, as for the country of origin, Brazil stands out with eight articles published and Revista RENE was the journal with the highest number of articles published. The fundamental role of nurses inserted in conservative treatment outpatient facilities stands out, which articulates with the other professional categories in search of better conditions and quality. It highlights a need to know the patient’s perspective in relation to chronic kidney disease, to better share the decisions to be made about treatment, support network and health professionals.

Author Biographies

Rafael Abrantes de Lima, Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

Graduated in Nursing (2013), Specialist in Intensive Care from the State University of Rio de Janeiro. Specialist in Nephrology by HUPE / UERJ. Recently approved in the notice 01/2020 for Class 2021 for a master's degree in nursing in the Research Line: NURSING: KNOWLEDGE AND PRACTICES OF CARING AND BEING CAREFUL with the Institutional Research entitled: Proposition of the management function in daily nursing. I have worked as an audit nurse for the largest health plans in Brazil, I have worked as an assistant nurse in the most renowned public and private hospitals. Papers presented at national and international congresses. Author and developer of the blog Clinical Research Assistant at D'OR Institute for Research and Teaching and FIOCRUZ. CEO of the Nursing Education Institute Rafael Lima

Tamires Zêba Guimarães, Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

Nurse graduated from the Alfredo Pinto School of Nursing at the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO). Specialist in Internal Medicine and Surgery by the Graduate Program in the Nursing Residency Model at UNIRIO. Currently a student of the Academic Master's Degree in Nursing at the Graduate Program in Nursing (PPGEnf) at UNIRIO. Participating member of the Management, Teaching and Practices in Nursing Care Research Group linked to the Nursing Care and Experimentation Laboratory - LCEE at UNIRIO. Member of the Brazilian Association of Nursing/Section Rio de Janeiro (ABEn/RJ) . She was a scholarship holder of the Institutional Scientific Initiation Scholarship Program (PIBIC) at UNIRIO in the research project "Therapeutic Workshops and Nursing: Training and care in mental health". She was monitor of the discipline "Nursing in Care in Psychiatry", at EEAP of UNIRIO. She has technical training in surgical instrumentation from the Gonzaga da Costa Professional Training Center (2013), having completed an internship at the Hospital Municipal Souza Aguiar / RJ. .

Daniela de Oliveira Matias, Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

Graduated in Nursing and Obstetrics from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2004), specialist in Nephrology from the Universidade Gama Filho (2007). She is currently a statutory at Hospital Federal Cardoso Fontes, acts as lead nurse at the Intensive Care Center and civil nurse at Hospital Naval Marcílio Dias, in charge of the Dialysis sector. She has experience in the areas of Adult and Elderly Health and Women's Health with an emphasis on Nursing.

Letícia Lima Borges, Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

Nurse graduated in Nursing and Obstetrics from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). Specialist in Nephrology Nursing from Universidade Gama Filho. She has professional experience in neonatology and aerospace nursing, working mainly in aeromedical transport and physiological training for airmen of the Brazilian Air Force.

Vanessa Peres Cardoso Pimentel, Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

Graduated in Nursing from Centro Universitário Estácio do Ceará (2015). Specialization in Public Health with emphasis on Family Health (2017). Specialization in Pediatric and Neonatal Nursing (2018). Post-Graduate Student in Health Management and Teaching in Health Sciences.(2020\2021) Master's Student in Nursing at the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro. Currently, working at Hospital de Clínicas in São Gonçalo in the Adult Intensive Care Unit; Hospital Infantil Darcy Sarmanho Vargas, active in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (COVID-19); Trainer at CERJCOOP - Nursing Cooperative of the State of Rio de Janeiro.

Izabella Andrade da Rocha, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

Graduated in Nursing (2013), Nursing Specialist in Nephrology by HUPE/UERJ. She acted as a teacher nurse for a technical course. Acting as a clinical nurse in the best and most renowned public and private hospitals. Papers presented at national and international congresses.

Gicélia Lombardo Pereira, Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

PhD in Science, Graduate Program in Nursing and Bioscience, Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro - UNIRIO - 2016. Master in Nursing at Alfredo Pinto Nursing School - UNIRIO - 1997; Graduation in Nursing and Obstetrics from Universidade Gama Filho - 1982; Coordinator of the Post-Graduate Course at the Specialization Level, in the form of in-service training for nurses, in the Residency Model, between 2004 and 2020. Associate Professor, Department of Medical-Surgical Nursing - EEAP/UNIRIO8; Retired nurse at the Municipal Health Department of Rio de Janeiro in 2013. Coordinates the Research Project "The impact of a Postgraduate Nursing Course in the Residency Models"; Coordinates the Research Project "Simulation as a teaching strategy for Graduate Nursing Students - Residence"; Participates in the Research Project "Proposition of the management function in the daily life of nursing: the practice of the management function from the theoretical framework learned in undergraduate nursing education", under the coordination of Prof. Dr. Beatriz Gerbassi Costa Aguiar; Member of the Study Group "Laboratory of Care and Experimentation in Nursing", coordinated by Profª. Dr. Nébia Maria Almeida de Figueiredo; Member of the Laboratory for Economic Evaluation and Health Technology, under the coordination of Prof. Dr. Roberto Carlos Lyra da Silva; Member of the Extension Project "The performance and teaching of REIKI as integrative and complementary practices: a holistic vision for Nursing, coordinated by Prof. Dr. Vera Lúcia Freitas. Identification ORCID 0000-0002-4032-2093.

Beatriz Gerbassi Costa Aguiar, Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

PhD in Nursing-Area of ​​Concentration: Nursing in the Brazilian Social Context-Anna Nery Nursing School-Federal University of Rio de Janeiro-2002; Specialization in Health Service Research-National Public Health School - ENSP/ Oswaldo Cruz Foundation-FIOCRUZ 19991; Master's Degree in Nursing-Alfredo Pinto Nursing School - Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro -UNRIO 1985; Specialization in Introduction to Health Education-ENSP/ FIOCRUZ 1978; Specialization in Public Health ? ENSP /FIOCRUZ 1975. Member of the Brazilian Academy of Hospital Administration. Nurse of the Nosocomial Infection Control Commission of the Hospital de Ipanema of the National Institute of Medical Assistance of Social Security-INAMPS 1971 to 1980; Consultant of the Hospital Infection Control Commission of the National Cancer Institute /MS 1981/83; Director of the Administration Division of the Hospital de Ipanema ? INAMPS 1989/90; Director of the Nursing Division of the Hospital de Ipanema/ INAMPS 1991; Assistant to the Director of the Phillipe Phinnel Psychiatric Institute / MS 1993; Assistant at the Administration Division of the Rio de Janeiro State Center of the Ministry of Health-1995/96; Associate Professor I of the Medical-Surgical Nursing Department at Alfredo Pinto Nursing School ? Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro - public tender in 1994. Director of the Alfredo Pinto School of Nursing - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, elected 2005-2009. Founding member and first President of the Grupo Tordesillas Nursing Program 2005-2009.

Brenda Maia do Nascimento, Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

Nurse graduated from the University Veiga de Almeida (UVA). Specialist in High Complexity. She is currently a Nursing Resident at the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO). Participating member of the Center for Research in Adult and Elderly Care - PENSAI / Study Group Management, teaching and practices in nursing care at UNIRIO. Master's student in Economic and Health Technology Assessment under the SUS at UNIRIO. Experience in the field of Nursing, with an emphasis on Nursing in Adult and Elderly Health and Intensive Care.


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How to Cite

LIMA, R. A. de .; GUIMARÃES, T. Z. .; MATIAS, D. de O. .; BORGES, L. L. .; PIMENTEL, V. P. C. .; ROCHA, I. A. da .; PEREIRA, G. L. .; AGUIAR, B. G. C. .; NASCIMENTO, B. M. do . Nurse’s contributions in education and care management in conservative treatment in nephrology: integrative review. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 14, p. e136101421824, 2021. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v10i14.21824. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 mar. 2025.



Health Sciences