Wind Energy: Identification and ranking of risks associated with investment projects




Renewable energies; Wind energy; Energy projects; Risk management.


The concept of sustainable development makes investments, in times of economic crisis, related to environmental aspects, especially those that include renewable energy sources. In this context, due to its highly favorable physical and climatic characteristics, Brazil has a high potential for exploring alternative natural energy sources. Along these lines, such issues justify the recent growth of projects dedicated to wind power generation in Brazil. Nevertheless, despite the broad benefits contemplated by projects in the sector, high levels of uncertainty can pose obstacles to investors. Thus, through a prior approach to the risks associated with investment projects in renewable sources of wind energy, it is possible to identify a critical structure that will contribute to the critical view of investors, providing greater levels of security for their intentions. Thus, we sought to identify the main risk factors associated with the generating source of wind energy, highlighted in the literature. Then, from the elaboration of a Survey, a questionnaire was applied in a non-probabilistic sample, characterized by professionals and specialists working in the sector. The data obtained were evaluated through multivariate analysis, whose objective was to develop a critical framework to assist investment, planning and management projects, where the results identified 34 risk factors associated with wind energy sources in Brazil, which were ranked according to the degrees of impact. In descending order, the following stand out: bureaucracy; country risk; environmental licenses; contractual risks and regulatory risks.


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How to Cite

ONO, E. M.; ROSÁRIO, J. M.; FREITAS, A. P. A.; SANTOS, J. A. N. dos. Wind Energy: Identification and ranking of risks associated with investment projects. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 14, p. e490101422011, 2021. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v10i14.22011. Disponível em: Acesso em: 26 jul. 2024.


