The territory of any other and the exercise of an almost impossible ethos




Otherness; Social structures; Interactions; São Paulo; 9 de julho Occupation.


In the neoliberal capitalist context, the fear of the state's helplessness, as a reflection of the permanent and multi-scale processes of social exclusion, penetrates the development of relationships, solidifying them into extracts. In this stratification process, fear builds barriers in which an individual, the otherness, is a synonym of threat and danger: a someone or something to be avoided. As a result, there is an intensification of the polarization between classes, beliefs, ethnicities, ideologies. Therefore, it creates a uniform structure of interactions, based on the assumption that differences must be repressed or excluded. This social practice favors the emergence of anempathic, immune and, destructively, self-immune individuals. This work proposes the understanding of the urban social context of the city of São Paulo through a bibliographical review and, from this, analyzes, as an object of study, how the 9 de julho Occupation acts contrary to these enclaves. Territorialized in the city, often through urban occupations that seek to position themselves in a civil and urban way, they are capable of local transmutations on a world level; here, more specifically, the change of the scenery in São Paulo.

Author Biography

Igor Guatelli, Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie

Igor Guatelli is an architect and urban planner (FAU USP), doctorate (FFLCH USP), PHD's and associate researcher at Gerphau laboratory - Ensa Paris La Villette and Université Paris 8. He is currently a professor, researcher and coordinator of the research group Cidade e Arquitetura and Philosophy (FAU Mackenzie) and author of the book Architecture of the inter-places: on the importance of conceptual work.


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How to Cite

CUNHA, R. R. M. de C.; GUATELLI, I. The territory of any other and the exercise of an almost impossible ethos. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 14, p. e267101422074, 2021. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v10i14.22074. Disponível em: Acesso em: 23 oct. 2024.



Human and Social Sciences