The vision of medical school teachers of a higher education institution in Palmas - Tocantins on telemedicine




Telemedicine; Telehealth; Teachers; Teaching; Information; Discussion.


Telemedicine is an instrument that uses communication technology and makes it possible to provide access to health, solving problems in which distance would be a critical factor. Objective: To know the view of the professors of the medical course of a higher education institution in Palmas – Tocantins about telemedicine. Methodology: cross-sectional and descriptive research, with a quantitative and qualitative approach, developed with medical school professors from the 1st to the 8th period of Instituto Tocantinense Presidente Antônio Carlos – ITPAC Palmas. Data were collected from May to September, through an online questionnaire made available through GoogleForms® in order to analyze the view of the HEI professors on the growth and diffusion of telemedicine, containing 21 questions that addressed this theme. Results: 34.6% of the sample disbelieve in the full guarantee of safety/secrecy to the patient during remote care, and that consultations using telemedicine do not replace face-to-face follow-up, as many medical specialties lack the face-to-face doctor-patient relationship to achieve success in health care. It is noteworthy that the positive points were also identified, such as: greater reach to the population, possibility of contact between specialists and relief from the burden of the Unified Health System. Conclusion: The view of the professors regarding the use of telemedicine is multifaceted. It has negative points such as the difficulty of attending some specialties, and positive points such as: expanding access and sharing of knowledge among professionals. The expansion of studies and debates involving the subject is suggested.


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How to Cite

SALES, A. C. V. .; DAMACENA , H. B. .; FREITAS, J. G. C. .; OLIVEIRA , M. S. de .; LOURENZO , M. A. R. de .; MARINHO , A. M. de S. . The vision of medical school teachers of a higher education institution in Palmas - Tocantins on telemedicine . Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 14, p. e222101422224, 2021. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v10i14.22224. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 jul. 2024.



Health Sciences