The use of the combined cycle for the generation of electric energy by the gases obtained from the carbonization of wood using




Combined cycle; Carbonization effluents; Sustainable energy; Field experiment; Non-ionizing radiation.


The effluents from carbonization or pyrolysis and wood charcoal have aggregated thermal energy and, in conventional charcoal kilns, part of the wood is burned to ignite the burning in the kilns and the effluents generated are dispensed in the atmosphere and in the soil, which causes energy losses and environmental pollution. In this study we seek a clean and sustainable alternative to produce energy, in addition to the search for a system with satisfactory performance in the generation of electric energy. The objective of this study was to evaluate how much electricity can be produced from wood carbonization effluents by ONDATEC technology, using the Brayton and Rankine cycle, also known as Combined Cycle. This method presents a high power generation efficiency, around 50%, compared to other generation systems. A field experiment was carried out from October 21st to 24th, 2010 to determine the calorific value of wood carbonization effluents, using a microwave oven, (condensable and non-condensable gas), in the city of Uberaba -Mg, Brazil. The data generated in this study reveals important information for companies looking for a way to produce clean and renewable electricity from reforestation wood, in addition to the effort to minimize environmental pollution, ensure sustainability in production systems and the growing search for new sources of energy. A complete description of the experiment, including details of the project, is presented in this work.

Author Biographies

Lélio Alves Vieira, Universidade de Uberaba

Master in Chemical Engineering from Uberaba University, specialization in Industrial Automation from Cândido Mendes University of Rio de Janeiro/RJ (2017) and graduation in Computer Engineering with emphasis in INDUSTRIAL PROCESS AUTOMATION from Uberaba University (2009). Currently graduating from the Electrical Engineering course at the University of Uberaba. He worked as an automation and control engineer at the company Ondatec Tecnologia Industrial em Micro-ondas SA. He also worked as an automation and control engineer at the company Innovare Pesquisas Tecnológicas Ltda. He has experience in instrumentation, industrial automation and control, computer and industrial networks, development of PLC control logic, documentation, assembly of electrical panels and electrical installations. Currently a professor at the University of Uberaba and owner of the company LAV Automação where he provides consulting services and projects in the area of ​​automation and control.

Edilberto Pereira Teixeira, Universidade de Uberaba

Graduated in Electrical Engineering from the Federal University of Itajubá (1972), Master in Electrical Engineering from the Federal University of Itajubá (1974) and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the State University of Campinas (1991). Has experience in Electrical Engineering, with an emphasis on electronic process control and electrical power systems, acting on the following topics: electrical power systems, industrial electricity, multivariable process control, control of non-linear systems, fuzzy logic and Artificial neural networks. He is currently the Manager of the Undergraduate Course in Computer Engineering at the University of Uberaba-MG (Uniube)

Antonio Manoel Batista da Silva, Universidade de Uberaba

Graduated in Electrical Engineering from the Federal University of Uberlândia (1985), obtained a master's degree (1993) and a doctorate degree (2016) in Electrical Engineering, also from the Federal University of Uberlândia. He is currently working at the University of Uberaba, as a professor in the undergraduate courses in electrical engineering and in computer engineering, and also within the graduate program at the University of Uberaba, working as a professor in the professional master's course in Chemical Engineering. In these courses, he mainly teaches the subjects: energy conversion, electrical machines and control systems. The research areas in which he works include: rotating electrical machines and transformers, dynamics of electrical systems, distributed generation systems, agro-industrial processes, energy efficiency and computing.

Elizabeth Uber Bucek, Universidade de Uberaba

Professor at the University of Uberaba/UNIUBE (MG, Brazil) in the courses: Professional Master's Degree in Chemical Engineering, Specialization in Microbiology, Graduation in Pharmacy and Environmental Engineering. She develops academic and applied research in partnership with companies in the areas of knowledge: Pharmacognosy; Phytochemistry; Product and Process Technology; Environmental health. Industrial Pharmacist (medicines, cosmetics and food) and specialist in Pharmacochemistry by UFMG. Master and Doctor in Pharmaceutical Sciences in the concentration areas of Pharmacognosy and Pharmaceutical Technology by the Faculté de Pharmacie de l? Université de Paris XI (Paris-Sud), France. Since 2002 she has served as Leader of the CNPq Research Group: Technology and Development of Products and Processes. She was the Director of the Industrial Pharmacy Course at UNIUBE. It operates in the following lines: Pharmacognosy (composting, germination and cultivation of vegetables (medicinal and cerrado), obtaining drugs and plant derivatives, study of microbial and pharmacological activity of plants, allelopathy, agroforestry, preservation of the cerrado); Technology (obtaining inputs and products from vegetables, phytochemicals, pharmaceutical, cosmetic and food technology, treatment of healthcare and farm waste; validation of processes and products involving drying, activity and microbial inactivation); Environmental Health (care and pharmaceutical prescription in herbal medicine, medicinal plants, Bach flower, bioelectrographic analysis); legislation of the areas.


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How to Cite

VIEIRA, L. A. .; TEIXEIRA, E. P. .; SILVA, A. M. B. da .; BUCEK, E. U. . The use of the combined cycle for the generation of electric energy by the gases obtained from the carbonization of wood using. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 15, p. e111101522720, 2021. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v10i15.22720. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 jan. 2025.


