Concept and development of Sintuvu Culture in Kaili Central Sulawesi Community




sintuvu; kaili society; concept; development


This article describes the concept and development of the cultural culture of the Kaili people of Central Sulawesi. This research is a type of qualitative research on philosophical views in the field. The primary source of research is the literature support by the interview method using snowball sampling techniques. The resource of persons in the research is the culture, historians and Kaili traditional figures. The results of the study are found that the basic concept of sintuvu is unity based on deliberation to reach agreement. The sintuvu culture of most community group (libuntodea) during the kingdom of the 15th century, as a form of community cooperation and obey to the kingdom. The arrival of Islam in the Land of Kaili during the kingdom reinforced the existence of the culture of sintuvu, because the teaching that brought by Islam did not conflict with the principal of togetherness (kasiromu) in the Kaili community. Sintuvu during the kingdom era then developed into togetherness in the form of struggle against the colonialists during colonialism. Sintuvu during independence was a form of mutual cooperation in society regardless of ethnic background, religion, race, and customs. Sintuvu in the present time faces many challenges in real reality, because in today is digital era the tendency of people's behavior is more individual and dominated by cyberspace. However, the fact of the synthetic culture in the Kaili community is still relevant today, which is seen in various activities including traditional ceremony, life cycle ceremony, and manifested in the Kaili tradition law (Aturanu Ada).


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How to Cite

SEPTIWIHARTI, D.; MAHARANI, S. D.; MUSTANSYIR, R. Concept and development of Sintuvu Culture in Kaili Central Sulawesi Community. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 9, n. 2, p. e99922495, 2020. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v9i2.2495. Disponível em: Acesso em: 11 nov. 2024.



Human and Social Sciences