Xanthan gum and sodium hypochlorite in vitro rooting of Gerbera hybrida cv. Essandre





Culture media; Cost reduction; Micropropagation; Replacing reagents for analysis.


The aim of this study was to check the use of the following gelling agents: the xanthan gum “Adicel®” and the stabilizer “Super Liga Neutra®” to replace agar in the in vitro rooting phase of Gerbera hybrida cv. Essandre. Additionally, the possibility of using chemical sterilization of both culture media and glassware with sodium hypochlorite to replace autoclaving was analyzed. The gelling agents, xanthan gum “Adicel®” and the stabilizer “Super Liga Neutra®” were tested at the following concentrations (g L-1): 7; 9; 11; 13; 15; 17; 19; and 21. No concentrations of Super Liga Neutra® provided effective solidification. Concentrations of 17 and 21 g of Adicel® provided a good gelling of the culture medium, which was compared to the medium containing agar (control) with two types of sterilization: autoclaving (for 20 and 40 minutes) and chemical sterilization. Autoclaving for 20 minutes did not provide effective elimination of contamination in the culture medium containing xanthan gum; this only occurred when autoclaving time increased to 40 minutes. Plant development in culture media containing 17 and 21 g of xanthan gum, either sterilized by autoclaving for 40 minutes or at a concentration of 17 g xanthan gum using sodium hypochlorite, was statistically the same as the control that contained agar. However, plant development at a concentration of 21g of xanthan gum in a sterilized medium using sodium hypochlorite was lower than that observed in media containing agar.


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How to Cite

RIBEIRO, B. L. .; RIBEIRO, J. M. .; TEIXEIRA, S. L. .; OLIVEIRA, A. B. N. .; PEIXOTO, A. R. .; MENEZES, A. C. P. .; SOUZA, J. C. de; PAZ, C. D. da . Xanthan gum and sodium hypochlorite in vitro rooting of Gerbera hybrida cv. Essandre. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 4, p. e4811425143, 2022. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v11i4.25143. Disponível em: https://rsdjournal.org/index.php/rsd/article/view/25143. Acesso em: 15 jan. 2025.



Agrarian and Biological Sciences