Spatial analysis of soybean yield in the western mesoregion of Paraná using agrometeorological variables




Spatial Autocorrelation; Spatial Correlation; Spatial data analysis.


This paper aimed to analyze the spatial autocorrelation of soybean yield and its bivariate spatial correlation with theagrometeorological variables rainfall, mean temperature, and mean global solar radiation in 2014/2015, 2015/2016, and 2016/2017 crop years in the West of the State of Paraná – Brazil. To achieve this objective, techniques of spatial statistics of areas were used, which, through autocorrelation and spatial correlation indices, sought to identify patterns of association between soybean yield and agrometeorological variables. This research is justified because in addition to the soybean crop being the main source of food protein and vegetable oil in the world and the agrometeorological variables being the factors that most influence it, the western mesoregion of Paraná stands out with the highest production values in the state.  Thus, it is important to monitor its development through spatial analysis to obtain information that will support decision making. The global and local Moran’s indices showed that soybean yield is self-correlated in the municipalities of Western Paraná, identifying clusters to the west and east of the mesoregion. The significance of the bivariate spatial correlation indices confirmed the influence of the variables rainfall, mean temperature, and average global solar radiation on soybean yield.


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How to Cite

GABRIEL, C. C. E.; URIBE OPAZO, M. A. .; DALPOSSO, G. H.; CIMA, E. G. Spatial analysis of soybean yield in the western mesoregion of Paraná using agrometeorological variables. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 3, p. e7911325962, 2022. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v11i3.25962. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 sep. 2024.



Agrarian and Biological Sciences