The importance of equotherapy for Autism Spectrum Disorder: benefits detected from the national scientific literature




Individual; Spectrum; Autism; Disorder.


Autism or Autism Spectrum is a neurophysiological part that creates difficulty and problems between brain processes, it is also characterized as a neurobiological, genetic and hereditary disorder, which means that this disorder is presented by some family member, such as the mother, father, or sibling. The study aims to highlight the benefits of hippotherapy for the treatment of the autistic spectrum. The study is of a bibliographic nature, characterized as exploratory and descriptive and with a qualitative approach. Studies were selected from the Google Scholar database. The results indicate that the benefits generated by hippotherapy are more noticeable in the motor, cognitive and social development of autistic individuals. The hippotherapy can demonstrate its degree of efficiency due to the three-dimensional movement of the horse, which stimulates movements that favor the development of those who are riding this animal. The study reiterates the need for professionals involved in this process to be specialized and for the animal used for hippotherapy to be in good hygienic conditions and to be vaccinated within days. The study concluded that hippotherapy represents an excellent treatment for the autistic spectrum, enhancing physical, biological and social aspects, stimulating greater participation in the means of coexistence.

Author Biographies

Bruna Leticia Cagalli de Mello , Faculdade Dom Bosco

Degree in Biological Sciences - Fio, Postgraduate in Institutional and Clinical Psychopedagogy Dom Bosco Faculty- In Special Education with an emphasis on autism- Dom Bosco Faculty- In Neuroeducation - Uncomplicated Faculty- Studying Second Degree in Pedagogy- Faveni

Valquíria Ferreira Ribeiro, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; Universidade Federal do Cariri; Instituto Nacional de Educação de Surdos

Graduated in Letters Libras - UFRJ, Postgraduate Interculturality and Decolonization in Deaf Education - Ines;

Francisco Carneiro Braga, Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina

Master in Education, University of the South of Santa Catarina, campus Tubarão-SC, Brazil.

Roberto Lopes Sales, Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina

Master in Education, University of the South of Santa Catarina, campus Tubarão SC-

Erliandro Felix Silva, Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Espírito Santo

Master's Student in Professional Education and Professional Technology - ProfEPT - Campus Porto Alegre(RS)

Jean Carlos Triches, Universidade Comunitária da Região de Chapecó; Faculdade do Oeste de Santa Catarina

Specialist in Education and Human Security by Unochapecó - Community University of Chapecó Region Professor at FAOSC - Faculty of the West of Santa Catarina

Wellington Santos de Paula, Instituto Nacional de Educação de Surdos

Estudiante de maestría en Educación Bilingüe para Sordos en el Instituto Nacional de Educación para Sordos -INES/RJ


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How to Cite

MELLO , B. L. C. de .; GUIMARÃES JUNIOR, J. C. .; RIBEIRO, V. F. .; BRAGA, F. C. .; SALES, R. L. .; SILVA, E. F. .; TRICHES, J. C. .; PAULA, W. S. de .; SOARES, A. C. P. . The importance of equotherapy for Autism Spectrum Disorder: benefits detected from the national scientific literature. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 4, p. e23911427263, 2022. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v11i4.27263. Disponível em: Acesso em: 15 jan. 2025.



Education Sciences