Effects of Passion Fruit (Passiflora edulis) on the Glycemic Management of Diabetes Mellitus
Passiflora; Diabetes Mellitus; Glycemic control; Health teaching.Abstract
Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a chronic and progressive disease, characterized by persistent hyperglycemia, which can result in disabling and even fatal micro and macrovascular complications. Passiflora edulis, whose fruit is passion fruit, is an abundant plant in Brazil and has hypoglycemic potential, which can help in the treatment of DM. The aim of this article is to investigate the effects of P. edulis parts on the glycemic control of individuals with DM. This is an integrative literature review with the following research question: “Does passion fruit (P. edulis) have an impact on glycemic parameters in individuals with Diabetes Mellitus?”. The data search was performed in the Bireme, Cochrane Library, Scielo and Pubmed databases in January 2022. Fourteen articles were found, five of which made up the final sample. Three of the studies were randomized controlled trials, while two were experimental studies. Among the pharmaceutical forms were: flour from the peel and albedo, seed extract and ethanolic extract from the leaves of P. edulis. Most studies have shown effects such as lowering fasting blood glucose and glycated hemoglobin. It is possible to conclude that the passion fruit (P. edulis) parts, such as seeds, leaves and peel, contain substances that can help in the glycemic control of patients with DM, however, more studies are needed to ensure their use.
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