The importance of intervention concerning the practice of immunization in childhood




Immunization; Child health; Prevention of diseases; Health Teaching.


Introduction: The National Immunization Program (NIP) has notorious national recognition, however in recent years there has been a drop in childhood vaccination coverage and its consequences are visible with the return of vaccine-preventable pathologies. Objectives: To evaluate the vaccination records of children between four and five years of age in a school in northeastern Brazil and to sensitize children, parents and educators to their importance. Methods: The intervention had 4 moments, in the first moment the notebooks were evaluated, in order to observe the real vaccination status of the children, in the second moment a playful activity was carried out, with the aim of demystifying the negative through the painting of drawings on the On the topic, in the third moment, parents were sent information about vaccines and their child's vaccination status, and, finally, a campaign was carried out to update delayed vaccines and guidance on future immunobiologicals that would be applied. Discussion: During the entire activity, it was noticed that most students probably did not have explanations from their parents and guardians about the subject, a fact that generated anxiety and fear about the event. After all the interactive and age-appropriate dynamics, a greater receptivity of this public in relation to the subject was noticed. Conclusion: We conclude that parents and caregivers should be informed in detail about the benefits of vaccination in disease prevention, so that they can transmit it to their children, strengthening their understanding of it as an act of love and citizenship.


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How to Cite

MEDEIROS, L. de O.; MAIA FILHO, J. M.; LIMA FILHO, M. R. de O.; LIMA, A. B.; ÁGUILA, D. X. de; MACIEL, L. dos S.; TAVARES, P. C.; NASCIMENTO, L. M. de O.; FERNANDES, J. M. The importance of intervention concerning the practice of immunization in childhood. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 5, p. e32411528401, 2022. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v11i5.28401. Disponível em: Acesso em: 23 dec. 2024.



Health Sciences