An innovate approach of fungal pigments as inducing the oxidase activity applied to bioelectrode systems




Biofuel cell; Oxidases; Fungal pigment; Caatinga soil.


The use of enzymes as part of bioelectrodes in Biofuel Cells (BFC) has been studied more often every day, aiming to reduce the operational and manufacturing high costs due in part to the use of metallic conventional catalyst. The in-situ production of biocatalysts can reduce even further these costs. However, some biocatalysts need the supplementation of external electrochemical mediators to achieve good coulombic efficiencies when these are used attached to bioelectrodes. In this work, two filamentous fungi were isolated from the soil of the Brazilian Caatinga Biome, that showed high oxidase activity in media containing two synthetic electronic shuttles, compared with four natural fungal pigments. Parameters such as substrate consumption, oxidase activity and microbial growth were evaluated. As was observed, all natural mediator pigments induced the enzyme production, observing an increase on enzyme production of more than 50% especially in two of them.

Author Biographies

Paulo Henrique da Silva, Federal Rural University of Pernambuco

Network  in Biotechnology -Doctorate RENORBIO

Kyriale Vasconcelos Morant, São Paulo University

Pós-graduation Master course.

Raphael Fonseca do Nascimento, Catholic University of Pernambuco

Chemical Enginerring Course


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How to Cite

SILVA, P. H. da .; MORANT, K. V.; NASCIMENTO, R. F. do; CAMPOS-TAKAKI, G. M. de. An innovate approach of fungal pigments as inducing the oxidase activity applied to bioelectrode systems. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 6, p. e16711628799, 2022. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v11i6.28799. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 mar. 2025.


