The area calculation used by farmers in Pacajá - PA and its relationship with plane geometry taught at school




Teaching; Cubadores; Ethnomathematics; Geometri.


This search was developed in theoretical and methodological perspective of ethnomathematics and aims to analyze the measurement methods used by area farmers cubadores land in the municipality of Pacajá - PA compared with the methods of school mathematics. The Ethnomathematics can be used as a tool in the teaching-learning can facilitate inter-relationship between school mathematics and the mathematics used in the daily life of students of the field process. This research had as its theme the scaling of earth, as it is extremely relevant. This theme is part of the daily lives of students and families in the Rural Family House Pacajá. For this survey we used measurement models used by farmers calling themselves cubadores land. From the comparison made between the methods of school mathematics and the methods used by cubadores land came to the conclusion that the mathematics used by them is important not because it approach the math taught in school, but for all the knowledge that was passed to generation to generation and is part of the daily lives of students and their families. It is the knowledge of cubadores of land that should be recognized.

Author Biographies

Claudionor Alves Portugal, Secretaria Municipal de Educação de Pacajá

Graduated in Mathematics (LIC/PARFOR) - Pacajá from the Federal University of Pará (2014). He has experience in the field of Mathematics.

Wagner Davy Lucas Barreto, Colégio Federal Tenente Rêgo Barros

Graduated in Mathematics from the Federal University of Pará (2009), and in Sciences from the State University of Maranhão (2008). Specialist in Mathematics Didactics from UFPA and Master's in Mathematics in National Network from the Federal University of Pará (2020). He holds a Master's degree in Environmental Sciences from the University of Taubaté (2012). He is currently an instructor professor at the Aeronautics Command at Colégio Tenente Regô Barros CTRB and Do WH courses and competitions. Has experience in preparing for Mathematics Olympiads and Military schools, has experience in elementary, high and higher education in face-to-face and distance learning modalities.

Washington Luiz Pedrosa da Silva Junior, Universidade do Estado do Pará

Master's in Education at the University of the State of Pará-UEPA, Degree in Mathematics from the University of the State of Pará-UEPA and Graduation in Pedagogy (Licentiate) from the University Santo Amaro-UNISA. Specialist in Fundamentals of Elementary Mathematics, Educational Management and Teaching for Basic and Higher Education, Financial Mathematics and Statistics, Rural Education, Didactics and Active Learning Methodologies, Brazilian Anthropology and Distance Education 4.0. Professor, Mathematics Teaching at Colégio Federal Tenente Rêgo Barros


Nelba Tania Gomes Pinheiro, Colégio Federal Tenente Rêgo Barros

Master in Biology of Infectious and Parasitic Agents from the Federal University of Pará (UFPA). Specialist in Informatics and Education from the University of the State of Pará. Graduated in Full Licentiate in Biology from UFPA. She has been working in basic education as a Science teacher at Colégio Tenente Rêgo Barros since 1998.

Andre Gama Barro, Secretaria de Estado de Educação do Amazonas

Specialization in Special and Inclusive Education from Instituto Superior de Educação Ateneu - ISEAT, University Teaching from Centro Universitário - FAMETRO, School Management and Gerontology from Faculdade Batista de Minas Gerais, studying Neuropsychopedagogy and Psychopedagogy from Faculdade IMES - Instituto Mineiro de Educação Superior. Graduated in Degree in Physical Education from Universidade Nilton Lins and Pedagogy from Universidade Paulista - UNIP. He worked as a teacher in the area of ​​Physical Education at CMEI Prof. Writer Paulinho de Brito, Literatus Group, in the city of Manaus, he worked as a teacher at the Municipal Department of Education in the city of Rio Preto da Eva. Pedagogy, with an emphasis on Special and Inclusive Education, Youth and Adult Education, Gerontology and vocational courses at a technical level


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How to Cite

PORTUGAL, C. A.; BARRETO, W. D. L.; SILVA JUNIOR, W. L. P. da .; PINHEIRO, N. T. G. .; BARRO, A. G. The area calculation used by farmers in Pacajá - PA and its relationship with plane geometry taught at school. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 6, p. e46011629039, 2022. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v11i6.29039. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 mar. 2025.



Exact and Earth Sciences