Deepfake: The Evolution of fake news




Deepfake; Artificial Intelligence; Fake news.


The emergence of new techniques, such as deepfake, has made it possible to manipulate and create new fake video, audio, and image content very similar to the original. This technique can be used to replace the face of a person with another, so as to make somebody say or do things that have never happened. The fake contents generated by this technology are as realistic as the originals, which makes it a powerful weapon in the construction of fake news. Because it is a sophisticated technique, it presents the ability of distorting the truth and causing conflict, risking the reputation of those involved, and creating great harm to them when used for criminal purposes. It is crucial to popularize and spread how deepfakes work in order to broaden the discussion about their misuse. Therefore, this article aims at deepening the studies on deepfake techniques, warning about their existence, their misuse, and the existing solutions to fight them. A bibliographical research was carried out in different sources of information, such as specialized websites, laws, scientific journals, and articles. We have concluded that deepfakes are a variation and the evolution of fake news, with its misuse aiming at generating content to manipulate public opinion could bring serious harm to society. The results have showed that, although technology is neutral as a resource, its use with the purpose of harming people or organizations cannot be controlled, which calls for the creation of laws that curb its misuse.


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How to Cite

MOLINA, A. C.; BERENGUEL , O. L. Deepfake: The Evolution of fake news . Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 6, p. e56211629533, 2022. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v11i6.29533. Disponível em: Acesso em: 15 jan. 2025.



Review Article