Corporate Psychopaths: They exist and degrade the organizational climate


  • João Batista Turrioni Universidade Federal de Itajubá
  • Patricia Gomes da Silva Faculdade de Três Pontas



Psychopath; Corporate Psychopath; Climate Organizational; People Management


This Article discusses the corporate psychopath subject, a term that refers to psychopaths of performance in the workplace. The research is justified by the need for organizations to maintain positive organizational climate in the pursuit of productivity and competitiveness. Research indicates that after the judicial prisons and asylums is within organizations that these personalities cause enormous damage. The study aims to identify the action of corporate psychopath within organizations and its consequences to the organizational climate. To this end it carried out a literature review and a quantitative research with employees of public and private companies. It was observed that these personalities exist within organizations, are identified by colleagues and actually cause inconvenience and loss to businesses. It is the management of people trying to prevent their entry in the companies or developing a strong organizational culture that becomes a barrier to the operation of these personalities.

Author Biography

João Batista Turrioni, Universidade Federal de Itajubá




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How to Cite

TURRIONI, J. B.; SILVA, P. G. da. Corporate Psychopaths: They exist and degrade the organizational climate. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 1, n. 1, p. 20-42, 2016. DOI: 10.17648/rsd-v1i1.3. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 oct. 2024.


