Irrigation demand of economically significant crops in the Araras Norte and Baixo Acaraú districts, Ceará, Brazil




Banana; Papaya; Coconut; Crop water requirement.


The aim of this study was to analyze the water demand in banana, papaya and coconut crops grown in the irrigation districts of Araras Norte and Baixo Acaraú, located in the State of Ceará. A historical meteorological series of the regions where the irrigation districts from this study are located was used. Precipitation, maximum and minimum temperatures, and relative humidity data were obtained from these historical series. From the acquired precipitation data, to analyze the frequency and intensity of dry and rainy years in the area, the Rainfall Anomaly Index was calculated. Based on the meteorological data from the historical series, the reference evapotranspiration by the Hargreaves-Samani method and the crop evapotranspiration were determined. The crop water requirement was obtained based on crop evapotranspiration and precipitation. In the plots, irrigation systems were evaluated and the application efficiency was determined in order to obtain the supplementary irrigation requirement. The irrigation depths used in the Araras Norte and Baixo Acaraú irrigation districts were underestimated, not meeting the supplementary irrigation requirement. For banana and papaya crops in the Araras Norte irrigation district, performing irrigation in the first semester and applying irrigation management throughout the year could correct the water deficit. For banana and coconut crops in the Baixo Acaraú irrigation district, it would be necessary to correct the irrigation depth in the second semester, through adequate irrigation management, because in the first semester precipitation would be sufficient to meet the crop water requirement.


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How to Cite

VALNIR JUNIOR, M. .; GOMES FILHO, R. R.; ALMEIDA, C. L. de; ROCHA, J. P. A. da; LIMA, S. C. R. V.; ANDRADE, R. F. de; BRITO, M. J. R. Irrigation demand of economically significant crops in the Araras Norte and Baixo Acaraú districts, Ceará, Brazil. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 9, p. e6011930816, 2022. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v11i9.30816. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 dec. 2024.



Agrarian and Biological Sciences