Analysis of speech and language alterations in diabetics affected by COVID-19




COVID-19; Diabetes; Speech therapy; Swallowing disorders; Somnolence.


Purpose: To compare the speech therapy changes in diabetic and non-diabetic users, hospitalized with COVID 19. Methods: This is a case-control, observational and retrospective study carried out through the analysis of medical records of users infected with COVID-19 hospitalized at General Hospital of Goiânia, with and without a diagnosis of diabetes, in the biennium 2020-2021. Results: A total of 100 individuals infected with COVID-19 participated in the study. In this sample, the prevalence of individuals without diabetes was observed. This sample consists mostly of male individuals and the mean age observed was 54.4 ± 13.7 years. In this study, sleepiness was a prevalent condition in diabetic patients. This finding may be the result of several factors, in particular, the metabolic changes associated with viral infection. Conclusion: There were no significant speech-language disorders in diabetic patients with COVID-19. However, we observed that the prevalence of alterations in the alertness level was higher in this group, and that they can impact the decision-making in speech-language pathology conducts.


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How to Cite

SANTOS, K. K. N. dos .; ARRUDA, Y. de C. M.; RODRIGUES, D. L. da M. . Analysis of speech and language alterations in diabetics affected by COVID-19. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 10, p. e09111031006, 2022. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v11i10.31006. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jan. 2025.



Health Sciences