Pedagogical Political Project: An analysis of the participation of the school community in its construction




School community; Participation; Pedagogical Political Project.


The article presents the level of participation of the social actors that make up the school community such as students, teachers, parents, directors, supervisors among others in relation to the construction of the Pedagogical Political Project (PPP). The main objective of this article is to analyze how the participation of the school community takes place in the elaboration of the pedagogical political project of the schools surveyed. The research with a qualitative-quantitative approach investigated the actors belonging to the school community regarding their participation in the elaboration of the Pedagogical Political Project. In the analysis resulting from the data, it was found that in relation to the PPP, the managers are still at the forefront of this elaboration of the pedagogical political project, almost without the participation of the other actors that make up the school community such as parents, students, teachers and other employees of the school. school. Therefore, the article has the intention, among others, to contribute to a more effective participation of the social actors that make up the school, which is the main responsible for promoting a more effective participation of its employees, thus strengthening the collective relations in the school environment and in the community in which it is located.


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How to Cite

SANTOS, H. A. dos . Pedagogical Political Project: An analysis of the participation of the school community in its construction. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 8, p. e53411831468, 2022. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v11i8.31468. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.



Education Sciences