Optimization and physicochemical characterization of muffinst added with coffee derivatives (Coffea arabica L.)





Alveoli; Caffeine; Desirability; Firmness; Specific gravity.


The consumption of cake grows annually and one way to expand the offer of these products is through the use of ingredients with specific flavors, such as coffee. The present study aimed to incorporate ground roasted coffee, extract and roasted coffee oil in muffin. Such ingredients were incorporated into the cake mass by 18 formulations generated by the Central Rotational Composite Design (DCCR). Subsequently, pH and specific gravity (GE) analyzes were carried out on the mass and analyzes of specific volume, texture (firmness and hardness), humidity, instrumental color (of the crumb and crust) and water activity, in the cake. It was observed that the main affected responses were the GE in the mass the firmness and the color. From the results of the design, two formulations were optimized. For the optimized formulations and the standard, analyzes were performed that had significance, centesimal composition, caffeine and the alveolar characteristics of the kernel. The optimized formulations obtained lower values ​​of GE, firmness and hardness in relation to the standard. Regarding centesimal composition, there was a significant increase in the ash, lipids, moisture and fibers in formulations optimized in relation to standard. The presence of coffee fibers provided a reduction in the content of digestible carbohydrates. With the use of coffee derivatives it was possible to maintain the honeycomb structure of the slices in relation to the standard sample. The data showed that coffee is an interesting food ingredient with potential to be incorporated into the cake dough.


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How to Cite

SILVA, S. J. M. .; SOUZA, A. R. de .; RODRIGUES, R. C.; RIBEIRO, M. V. F.; NEVES, N. de A. .; PINTO, N. A. V. D. .; SCHMIELE, M. Optimization and physicochemical characterization of muffinst added with coffee derivatives (Coffea arabica L.). Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 9, p. e32011931793, 2022. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v11i9.31793. Disponível em: https://rsdjournal.org/index.php/rsd/article/view/31793. Acesso em: 18 dec. 2024.



Agrarian and Biological Sciences