The relationship between environmental degradation and the increase in cases of leishmaniasis in Brazil: an integrative literature review




Leishmaniasis; Environmental Degradation; Interprofessional.


Introduction: Of the 133 diseases or groups of diseases listed in the Global Health Observatory (WHO, 2015), 101 had significant links with the environment, among which are Leishmaniasis, which globally has about 27% of cases related to environmental conditions. Objective: This study sought to evaluate the evidence available in the literature on the influence of environmental degradation on the increase in the number of cases of Leishmaniasis in Brazil. Material and methods: This study consists of an integrative review of the literature, in which the selection of articles was made from the database, Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (PubMed/Medline) and the virtual health library Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciElo). The following Health Science Descriptors (DeCS) were combined in Portuguese, English and Spanish: Leishmaniasis, Environment, Environmental Health, Environmental Degradation and Interprofessional Education. The search strategy was controlled and combined with the Boolean characters AND and OR. For the inclusion criteria, articles were considered available electronically in full, free of charge, which cited the relationship between the possible increase in the number of cases of the disease, because of the factors that degrade the environment and that have been carried out in Brazil, in Portuguese, English and Spanish languages published in the period from 2015 to 2020. Repeated articles on more than one basis, as well as theses, dissertations and monographs were excluded. Results: The search resulted in 1. 475 articles, 16 of which composed this Integrative Literature Review. Regarding the origin of the articles, it was found that the majority came from the Northern region of the country (43,75%), followed by the Northeastern region (18,75%). In addition, three articles presented data referring to the entire country and two referred to the Amazon region. Of the 16 articles included in the research, eight related the occurrence of VL and/or ATL cases in the study regions to climate change; 11 Population movements and/or migration, as well as the adaptation of vectors to home environments; five with the precarious conditions of infrastructure and basic sanitation; three with the disordered occupation of physical space by the human population and 13 with the deforestation of native vegetation. Conclusion: The analysis of the articles demonstrated that human action on the environment is a conditioning factor for the increase in the number of new cases of Leishmaniasis in Brazil. In addition, the need to train health professionals regarding the disease in all its aspects was highlighted, so that they are in alert for the risks and aggravations existing in their territory through an interprofessional and interdisciplinary health approach.


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How to Cite

FIALHO, S. N. .; BRANCO JUNIOR, A. G. .; MARTINEZ, L. do N. .; ALBINO, A. M. .; SILVA, M. A. da .; CEDARO, J. J. The relationship between environmental degradation and the increase in cases of leishmaniasis in Brazil: an integrative literature review. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 11, p. e99111133342, 2022. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v11i11.33342. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 jun. 2024.



Agrarian and Biological Sciences